Wood Badge - Spring Course 2025
April 25- April 27 and May 10-11 2025
Wood Badge History
In 1911, Baden-Powell took the first steps in training Scouting's adult leaders by organizing a series of lectures for Scouter's. He made great strides in the years that followed, culminating in 1919 with the establishment of Wood Badge training. Wood Badge recipients now number more than 100,000 and can be found in all corners of the world.
The object of a Wood Badge course is to demonstrate as practically as possible the aims and methods of Scouting. Five days in duration, the course is a multifaceted presentation of leadership skills, organizational tools, and participatory activities based on the best of Scouting traditions and the latest in team-development theory. Participants will also enjoy the fellowship of learning alongside many other volunteers and professional Scouters, and along the way have a great deal of fun.
Upon successful completion of all course requirements, each participant receives a certificate and the Wood Badge-two wooden beads to be worn around the neck on a leather thong. Many Scouters consider Wood Badge to be a peak experience in their Scouting careers. It has served as a source of training and inspiration to thousands. In return, Wood Badge participants have positively affected millions of America's youth.
Participant Qualifications:
- Registered member of the Boy Scouts of America
- Have a current BSA physical and capable of functioning safely in an outdoor environment
- Successfully complete Youth Protection, and the following:
Scoutmasters and Assistants Leader Specific Training Outdoor Leader Skills
Troop Committee Troop Committee Challenge
Venturing Leaders Venturing Leader Specific Training
Commissioners Commissioner Basic Training
District Committee District Committee Training Workshop
Optional t-shirt purchases are available
T-shirts $15.00 each
Scouter Accessibility:
Specific needs such as use of a golf cart for transportation and special dietary requirements will be available. Contact the course director if you have any questions.