5C Merit Badge Workshop

Merit Badge Midway
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Avon United Methodist Church
6850 E US Highway 36, Avon, IN 46123
Check-In: 8:00am Sessions: 8:30-11:30am & 12:00-3:00pm - Meal included
Classes Offered: Law, Astronomy, Family Life*, Engineering, Automotive Maintenance, Electronics, Fingerprinting, Citizenship in Community*, Citizenship in Society*, Citizenship in Nation*, Graphic Arts, Pulp & Paper, Art, and Scouting Heritage
*Eagle Requirement
Law appears as a morning session, yet will take both sessions.
Electronics participants will need an additional $10 day of the event for cost of materials.
Citizenship in Society is a morning session, first come first serve to the first 8 youth who claim a spot with Joe Feldhake. Please email Jennifer Western at jennifer.western@5creeks.org to do so.
Avon United Methodist Church
Saturday 11-18-2023
8:30 AM ET to 11:30 PM ET Past
Afternoon Session
Avon United Methodist Church
Saturday 11-18-2023
12:00 PM ET to 3:00 PM ET Past