2026 National Jamboree
2026 National Jamboree
Wednesday, July 22 - Friday, July 31, 2026
Summit Bechtel Family Scout Reserve
Join thousands of Scouts at the 2026 National Jamboree to be held at The Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia. Ziplines, kayaking, mountain biking, rock climbing and bouldering are just a few of the activities offered at the Summit. There's also skateboarding, BMX, shooting sports, canopy tours, and challenge courses. And that's just the beginning. Youth Participants will enjoy these activities and spectacular shows, patch trading, and meeting Scouts from across the country. And in addition to all of the fun, the Jamboree lets kids form lasting friendships and unforgettable memories that they will talk about the rest of their lives.
Council Contingent
Crossroads of America Council will take multiple troops to the Jamboree, each one supported by an experienced, skilled team of Scoutmasters and Assistants. The council plans to send troops for both young men and young women.
Who Can Attend
Currently Registered SCOUTS BSA youth members (male and female) who will:
- Be at least 12 years old by July 22, 2026 and attain 1st Class rank before the Jamboree.
- Not have reached their 18th birthday by July 31, 2026
Adult Participation
Adult leadership is specifically selected by the Jamboree Committee for their experience and leadership skills. Interviews for Jamboree Contingent leadership (Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters) are scheduled for January 18, 2025. Interested adults should complete the Jamboree Leadership Questionnaire. Adults interested in serving on the Jamboree Staff should visit jamboree.scouting.org for info.
Tentative Itinerary
July 22, 2026 - Depart Indianapolis via charter busses
July 22 to July 31, 2026 - Jamboree Program at Summit Bechtel Reserve
July 31, 2026 - Return to Indianapolis
Fees and Deadlines
The CAC Contingent Fee is $2,375 when registered before November 1, 2025. The fee increases $240 per person thereafter.
In addition to Jamboree participation, the cost includes transportation to and from The Summit, meals in route to and from the Jamboree, personal Jamboree duffel, special patches, patrol and troop equipment, and a Jamboree training weekend.
A $250 deposit is due at the time of registration. Please note the fee schedule.
- Non-refundable Deposit -- $250 at time of registration
- First Payment of $700 – June 18, 2025
- Second Payment of $700 – November 8, 2025
- Final Balance Payment $725– February 8, 2026
Subsequent payments are non-refundable unless the contingent is full, the individual slot is reassigned to another youth from the waiting list, and fees are paid in full by the wait list youth.