2017 University of Scouting
Event Details

Saturday, January 14, 2017
Fee for attending the University is $30. Early bird fee of $25 applies to all registration payments received online, at any Crossroads office or postmarked on or before January 8, 2017.
Silver Beaver Luncheon is $16 for anyone not attending the University.
Every Scout deserves a trained leader. The University of Scouting, one of the premier training events in the council, is one of the easiest ways for you to achieve this goal. This single-day training event, offered by the Crossroads of America Council, is designed to supplement any Scouter's training. Any Scout leader may attend. This year we have combined what was once Pow-Wow, into our courses to have 21 new Cub Scout related courses. Courses specific to Cub Scouting have "C" added their Course ID. Courses specific to Boy Scouting have "B" added to their course ID. Courses specific to Venturing have "V" added to their Course ID. Courses of interest to any Scouter have "G" added to their Course ID. As an example, PC101, All Cub Leader Specifics, is a Cub course.
The University of Scouting is based on the BSA nationally recognized Four-Function Plan - which include:
Program: training, camping/outdoor, advancement, and activities/civic service
Unit Service: commissioner service
Finance: including marketing
Membership and Relationships
Degrees and courses are available in three colleges related to each of the Four Functions (Although commissioners are trained elsewhere, commissioner-related courses are available to leaders in units). Additional courses are available in General Studies to supplement your educational experience. Each college offers a Bachelor and Masters Degree program. There is also a Doctoral Degree program available for those who have earned a Masters degree.
Registration URL: https://www.scoutingevent.com'2017cacuofs
Degree Program Requirements
There are four easy to understand options to gain a degree at the University. Each hour of coursework earns one credit toward your desired degree during the current year. Select any College to earn a degree. The degree option standards are as follows:
Bachelors Degree
- Complete your required training(s) for your registered position.
- Complete six (6) University credits to include:
- Four (4) credits from the College of your choice.
- Two (2) additional elective credits from the General Studies or any other College.
Masters Degree
- Hold a Bachelor’s Degree from this University.
- Complete six (6) additional University credits:
- Three (3) credits from the College of your choice.
- Three (3) additional elective credits from the General Studies or any other College.
Doctor of Scouting Degree
Hold a Master’s Degree from this University.
Complete six (6) additional University credits:
Four (4) credits from the required Ph.D. courses.
Two (2) credits from any other College of your choice.
Complete a written thesis / project under the mentoring and approval of the teaching staff.
Continuing Education Degree
Hold a Doctoral, Master’s or Bachelor’s Degree and desire to continue the educational process.
Complete six (6) additional University credits from any College. There is no limit to the number of Continuing Education Degrees you can earn from this University.*All courses in green text, beyond this point, are new to University of Scouting!
Sustainability Leadership Degree
Complete all 6 sessions of the course selection to receive your degree in Sustainability and be qualified for joining our council's Sustainability Committee.
When & Where