Abraham Lincoln Council - Illinek Lodge October Ordeal/Brotherhood/Fellowship Event

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Illinek Lodge October Ordeal/Brotherhood/Fellowship Event

Event Details

October 13-15, 2023



$65 - Ordeal Candidates (recently elected, is not a member of the Lodge) Lodge Flap is Included
$45 - Brotherhood Candidates (is ready for brotherhood, 6 months since ordeal)
$25 - Current Members
$15 - Annual Dues

In our lodge, we refer to our induction weekends as "fellowships". Over the past year, these events have become much more than an induction, but rather an event for all arrowmen to come out and enjoy! Each Fellowship has a theme set for the entire weekend. You can see the presence of this theme in the Camp, activities, and even the food! You can also give back to your camp through cheerful service throughout the weekend. We even hold a Brotherhood Transition at each one! These events only happen 3 times a year, so you want to make sure you're there!

For an Ordeal Packing List & paper registration forms please go to: www.illineklodge.org/regristration-options/

A theme for the fellowship is still being decided by our LEC and the website will be updated accordingly. 

When & Where
October Fellowship
Camp Illinek
Friday 10-13-2023 6:00 AM CT to
Sunday 10-15-2023 10:00 AM CT Past
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