2025 Merit Badge University
Event Details

Merit Badge University &
Adult Leader Training - CPR
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Peoria Riverfront Museum / Caterpillar Visitor Center and Museum
Take advantage of an exciting partnership between the W. D. Boyce Council, the Peoria Riverfront Museum, the Caterpillar Visitor Center & Museum, and other downtown Peoria venues. In this afternoon-only event, Scouts can earn one of a wide range of merit badges, some not commonly offered, but made available here thanks to the resources and expertise of our hosts!
Scouts can register and attend individually, but units are encouraged to travel together. Field ("Class A") uniforms are preferred so we can show how our Scout spirit "Plays in Peoria!"
Event Times:
Noon - 12:30 PM Check-in (Main Lobby - Peoria Riverfront Museum)
12:30 - 1:00 PM Opening (Giant Screen Theater - Peoria Riverfront Museum)
1:00 - 4:00 PM Merit Badge Classes - Various Downtown Locations
4:00 - 5:00 PM Peoria Riverfront Museum Open for Scouts
5:00 PM Peoria Riverfront Museum Closes
$15 if paid in full by January 31
$20 if paid in full on or after February 1
Registration closes February 7
Merit Badges Offered:
Art Genealogy
Astronomy Insect Study
Backpacking Inventing
Chess Law
Citizenship in the Community Model Design & Building
Citizenship in the Nation Scouting Heritage
Citizenship in the World Textiles
- Information on each merit badge, including prerequisite requirements, is included in the Merit Badge Catalog.
- Prerequisites should be completed prior to MBU and brought with the Scout to ensure completion of the merit badge in a timely manner.
- Some merit badges will require work by the Scout to complete the merit badge after the event.
- Scouts should also be familiar with all requirements to enhance their learning at the event.
- Additional event information:
* Register Early - Merit Badge Space Limited *
Adult Leader Training - CPR
Cost: $20 / $25 after January 31
Class Size Limit: 10
CPR class will follow the same schedule as the Merit Badge University
Thank you to our Partners

When & Where