Klondike Derby
Klondike Derby on February 4, 2023
The Klondike Derby is a day of fun and friendly competition in the snow (or mud--you never know with Midwest winters). Troops compete against each other in activities like obstacle courses, sled racing, and first aid, and they must carry all their supplies on their troop-designed sled.
This is one of our most popular Scouts BSA and Venturing Crew activities. Sorry, no Webelos.
YPT Required: All Adult participants must provide their most recent Youth Protection Training date.
BSA Membership ID is required for all Youth participants.
PATROL SIZE IS A MINIMUM OF 5 AND MAXIMUM OF 9 SCOUTS, with at least 2 Adults for each Troop or Crew registration (Families need to contact their unit leaders to sign up with them).
Download the Klondike Program Guidebook (link on the right) for more details.
*A 3% Processing Fee will be assessed for all online Credit Card payments. **A 0.5% Processing Fee will be assessed for all online e-Check payments. *** Checks sent or brought to 850 Forest Edge Drive, Vernon Hills, IL 60061, will not be assessed this Processing Fee. Please make sure the Memo line mentions your registration number.