MH: Cub Scout Shooting Sports Overnight
Cub Scout Shooting Sports Overnight
Come Join us for our Cub Scout Shooting Sports Overnight from 2pm Saturday April 29th, 2017 to noon on Sunday April 30, 2017 at Somonauk Community Park 500 S Depot St, Somonauk, IL 60552
Cost: 20.00 per scout or 10.00 per Adult / Scout Volunteer (food costs)
For your convenience on Saturday before the event and Sunday as the event comes to a close Country Girl Catering will have a food truck onsite for lunch at your own cost. This is provided for your convenience.
We must also thank the Town of Somonauk for building a berm for us to be able to put this even on in their town. We appreciate their support.
We will be doing many fun activities, such as:
*BB Gun
*Sling Shots
*Gaga Ball
*Horse shoes
*Camp Fire and other fun activities
Contact: Kris Veach 630-300-4650
Angie Shoener 630-669-3820
2pm check in
2-3 pm set up
3:00-5:00 Activities & Ranges open
6:30-8:30 activities
9:00 campfire
9:30 cracker-barrel
10:30- 6:30 quiet time
7:00 wake up
8:00 breakfast
8:45 ranges & Activities open
12:00pm Flags & Camp Dismissed
Country Grill Catering will have a food truck onsite for lunch on Saturday & Sunday at your own cost. This is provided for your convenience.] 5:30 pm Dinner
Saturday 04-29-2017 2:00 PM CT to
Sunday 04-30-2017 12:00 PM CT Past