Merit Badge University - 2024

Welcome to Merit Badge University 2024
Ready to get started? First, review the Class Schedule, Availability Grid, and read through the Event Class Catalog. These documents contain class times, descriptions, requirements and special instructions from our Instructors.
MBU is an all day event. Participant registration begins at 7:30am, 1st class begins at 9am, and 4 class sessions are offered during the day. Scouts are dismissed around 4:30pm or after their last MB session. A hot lunch and beverage are provided as part of the fee. Snacks and additional drinks are available for purchase during the day and a trading post is onsite with Scouting items. See the MBU Website for details.
General Information: MBU is a uniformed event. Scouts, Adult Leaders and Instructors are required to be in uniform throughout the day.
- Visit our MBU Website:
- Want to stay connected and get the latest News on MBU? Visit our MBU Facebook Page.
- Need to talk to a human? Email one of us!
- We're always looking for Merit Badge Counselors! Sign up HERE or Email us to join the MBU Team.
- We also need volunteers! It takes over 300 volunteers to make MBU a success. Join our team and help our Scouts soar! Join us HERE
- If your Scout has special dietary requirements, he or she is welcome to bring a sack lunch with their special dietary needs to suppliment the hot lunch provided.
- Ready to get started? Please use the Registration button at the top of this page.
Your Volunteer MBU Event Team.
WHAT TO BRING to MBU: Please remember to BRING a PAPER COPY of the BSA Health Form Parts A & B. These will be collected. ALL Scouts and Adult Staff & MBCs MUST turn in a Health Form to participate. This is a BSA requirement.
The pre-requisites should be done ahead of time if possible or can be finished up after MBU. (Pre-Reqs can be found in the MBU Catalog on the sidebar.) Scouts should read the Merit badge book and come prepared. The MB Counselor will check off the prerequisites that they have done outside of class when they show proof of completion, The other requirements will be done in class. You can access online free versions of all the merit badges at Merit Badges @ Merit Badges | Boy Scouts of America (| Or you can google them. The requirements are listed in the front of the book or on the worksheets. Having said all that, your Scouts will get their Schedule, patch lunch wristband and other stuff when they check in on Saturday. Make sure that they have a copy of their AB, BSA Health form to turn in at check-in.
WHEN WILL MY BLUE CARDS BE READY TO ACCESS?: 'Blue Cards' are electronically available after each session of MBU 2024. You are able to access them and download them using your registration confirmation # and the email address you used when you signed up. Click on LOOK UP in the upper right hand corner of this page to get started. Badges and partials from the MBU 2024 at York HS will be ready to download about 1 week after MBU and you will receive an email notification when they are ready. You can also access a draft of your Scout's schedule using the conformation email. We will also be automatically downloading them into Scoutbook, for those of you that use Scoutbook.
York High School
Saturday 02-24-2024
8:00 AM CT to 4:30 PM CT Past
Camp Big Timber Session
Camp Big Timber
Saturday 05-04-2024
8:00 AM CT to 4:30 PM CT Past