Big Timber Game Con

Big Timber Game Con
Older Scout Recruitment Event
April 12, 2025
Meeples! Assemble! Get your D20, Grab a friend, gather your sheep & wood, cast your plainswalkers, build your decks, and conquer the world! Big Timber Game Con is a council wide recruiting event targeting Scouts BSA, Venturers, Sea Scouts, and Explorers . It will be a one day of fun and fellowship featuring boardgames, card games, role-playing games and more.
Who should attend: Troop members, Crew members, Sea Scouts, and Explorers.
When: April 12, 2025 – 9 AM to 7 PM, registration opens at 8:30am
Bring your lunch or purchase one onsite. This is a peer to peer recruiting event. We would love for you to bring a non-scout friend to enjoy the day and consider joining Scouting. Scouts who bring a non scout friend will enjoy a complimentary lunch with their friend.