TFC: Trail To Eagle Workshop
Event Details
Three Fires Council Advancement Committee's....
Trail To Eagle Workshop
Sunday, May 21st, 2017
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
1145 N. 5th Ave., St. Charles, IL.
This 2 hour workshop will highlight the many steps a Life Scout needs to accomplish to be eligible to receive his Eagle Scout rank.
- For Life rank scouts (or almost), their parents, Boy Scout Leaders, Eagle Coaches, Advancement Chairs and anyone who would like to learn the ins and outs of the Eagle process.
- Participants should bring with them an Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook and Eagle Scout Rank Application (click the hyperlinks to access these files).
- Bring a notebook/pen for note taking
- All attendees need to pre-register online to attend this workshop.
Questions: Contact Three Fires Council Advancement Committee
Bob Charles - TFC Advancement Chairman (
Marti Jernberg - Great Bear District Advancement Chair (
When & Where
TFC: Trail to Eagle Workshop
Bethelem Lutheran Church
Sunday 05-21-2017
2:30 PM CT to 4:30 PM CT Past
Bethelem Lutheran Church
Sunday 05-21-2017
2:30 PM CT to 4:30 PM CT Past