2023 Onizuka Day of Exploration

Workshop signups are now open!
Check out the Special Events, Workshop Catalog,
and Workshop Signup Instructions
on the right-hand side for more information.
Join us for the 7th Annual Onizuka Day of Exploration (ODE) at the University of Hawaii West Oahu, Kapolei campus on Saturday, April 22nd. This event, previously known as Scout Makahiki, is Hawaii's largest family-friendly STEM event, honoring Astronaut Ellison Onizuka, a Hawaii-born Eagle Scout.
ODE offers 100+ hands-on activities, workshops, and classes for girls, boys, and their families. It is a free, inclusive, and engaging event. This year, ODE will be in-person only, with no virtual component.
Youth and adults must register in advance. Click "Register Here" on the top right corner of this screen.
Exciting workshops, led by UH West Oahu faculty, will focus on STEM, Hawaiian culture, sustainability, and much more. Workshop registration is now open with limited space available.
To lead an workshop or for questions about workshops, email Will Hartzell at willhartzell2@gmail.com.
Special Events include Pinewood Derby, VEX robotics tournament, cyber security competition, gaming competition, Hawaiian cultural activities, and much more.
For detailed information, visit onizukaday.com or email info@onizukaday.com.
ODE is free of charge. The opening ceremony starts at 8:00 am, booths and exhibits at 9:00 am, and workshops at 10:00 am. Limited free parking is available; please carpool. Low-cost food and drinks will be available at the UH West Oahu cafeteria.
Don't miss this fun and educational event on April 22nd!
Alim Shabazz, Will Hartzell, Eric Chow, Evelyn Kauhola, and the ODE event team