Splash O Ree 2020
Event Details

This years theme: 110 Leagues under the Sea!
We are still going strong and can't wait to get Cub Scouting back at camp this summer.
To accommodate the group sizes from CDC recommendations, this registration is designed for family use. If you need to register your entire pack, please contact the office at: (813) 872-2691 ext. 101.
We take the health and welfare of our Scouts seriously. To this end we are implementing the following changes:
Changes Due to COVID-19
- This will be a one day event.
- We are capping the participants to 200 Scouts and 400 total. No walk-ins will be accepted.
- To make sure we can accommodate as many Scouts as possible, we are limiting registration to one adult per family and no children under 5 allowed.
- The Scouts will be placed in groups of 36 or less and will be with that same group all day. We will be practicing Social Distancing as much as possible.
- Lunch and Snacks will be provided.
- Program areas will be sanitized between groups.
- A medical pre-screening form and waiver will be required of ALL people entering camp.
- A health check upon arrival will be required of ALL people entering camp.
This information will be published in the Leader's guide which will be coming soon.
There will be 2 program opportunities:
- Jules Verne Experience - Swimming Pool, Archery, Craft, Field Sports
- Captain Nemo Experience - Slip and Slide, BB Guns, Craft, Field Sports
Due to health concerns, families will be in one or the other track and must remain in that track all day.
- 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM – Check-in
- 9:00 AM – 9:15 AM – Opening ceremony – front gate closed
- 9:15 AM – 9:30 AM – Go to first session
- 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM – Session 1
- 10:45 AM – 11:00 AM – Cleaning Areas / Moving / Snack to groups
- 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM – Session 2
- 12:15 PM – 1:15 PM – Lunch to Groups at Session 2 area
- 1:15 PM – 1:30 PM – Cleaning Areas / Moving
- 1:30 PM – 2:45 PM – Session 3
- 2:45 PM – 3:00 PM – Cleaning Areas / Moving / Snack to groups
- 3:00 PM – 4:15 PM – Session 4
- 4:15 PM – 4:30 PM – Help clean areas
- 4:30 PM – Closing Ceremony
When & Where
Nemo 1 (Slip & Slide and BBs)
Sand Hill Scout Reservation
Saturday 07-18-2020
7:00 AM ET to 4:30 PM ET Past
Nemo 2 (Slip & Slide and BBs)
Sand Hill Scout Reservation
Saturday 07-18-2020
7:00 AM ET to 4:30 PM ET Past
Verne 1 - (Pool and Archery)
Sand Hill Scout Reservation
Saturday 07-18-2020
7:00 AM ET to 4:30 PM ET Past
Verne 2 - (Pool and Archery)
Sand Hill Scout Reservation
Saturday 07-18-2020
7:00 AM ET to 4:30 PM ET Past
Sand Hill Scout Reservation
Saturday 07-18-2020
7:00 AM ET to 4:30 PM ET Past
Nemo 2 (Slip & Slide and BBs)
Sand Hill Scout Reservation
Saturday 07-18-2020
7:00 AM ET to 4:30 PM ET Past
Verne 1 - (Pool and Archery)
Sand Hill Scout Reservation
Saturday 07-18-2020
7:00 AM ET to 4:30 PM ET Past
Verne 2 - (Pool and Archery)
Sand Hill Scout Reservation
Saturday 07-18-2020
7:00 AM ET to 4:30 PM ET Past