Lake Region District Pinewood Derby
Event Details

Come Join us for the 2025 Lake Region Pinewood Derby!
When: Saturday, March 29th from 10 AM - 12 Noon
First Presbyterian Church Haines City
104 Scenic Highway, Haines City, FL 33844
The District Pinewood Derby is open to any Scout who built a pinewood derby car this Scout year. It does not matter how they did in the Pack race; the district race is open to everyone.
Car Registration is $10 per car for either Design or Race. If you wish to enter your car into both, the cost is $20.
Registration and Inspection - 10-10:30 AM
First Race (Lions and Tigers) - 10:45 AM
All other races will follow.
The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers of each Cub Rank will compete in the finals!
Design Categories
Prizes for best in show in each of the following categories
- Antique/Vintage Car
- Best use of add-ons
- Not a Car