Certified Angling Instructor and Director Courses

Courses Being Offered:
Certified Angling Instuctor Course
CAI Course Director's Course & Conference
The course was developed and is being directed by the
BSA National Fishing Leadership Team
These courses run Friday at 9 AM until noon on Sunday.
Location: Flaming Arrow Scout Reservations, Lake Wales, FL
Dates: March 14-16, 2025
Early Bird: $125 - must register by February 14th
Regular Rate: $140 - must register by February 28th
Out of Council Fee: $25
Two Different Courses are Being Offered
Certified Angling Instuctor Course
Help Your Council or Unit Deliver a Quality Fishing Program
This course is designed to give Scouters tools and ideas to get Scouts fishing. We will ignite your desire for introducing Scouts to the wonderful world of fishing. Boy’s Life recent survey found that Scouts chose fishing as the fourth most preferred outdoor activity, yet only 35% go fishing within Scouting. You can become a Fishing Advocate for your unit, district and council and utilize fishing as a good tool for Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation. Share your passion for fishing.
Course Highlights
- Become recognized as a BSA Certified Angling Instructor, an Official Train the Trainer Certification CS-61. Receive a CAI patch and Certificate.
- Learn basic fishing and fly-fishing skills - fly casting, fly tying, where to find fish, knots and how to teach them, and much more. Learn to teach all Scouting levels for recruiting, retention, and advancement.
- As a CAI you will have an opportunity to get fishing and fly-fishing equipment at greatly reduced rates for teaching Scouts.
- Apply your learning working with Scouts on Sunday
Fishing is a Favorite Outdoor Activity for Scouts
Fishing with Scouts is an outdoor activity providing Scouts with fun, skills development, family participation and strongly supports sound conservation awareness. Fishing receives very little support by most councils yet has great opportunity with minimal investment. Most camps offer marginal fishing programs and poor instruction. As a CAI you can make fishing a priority within your scouting world.
Who should attend?
The CAI course is for Scouters (volunteer & professional) who wish to learn how fishing enhances Council, District and Unit programs, supports current and potential Merit Badge Councilors. Perfect also for Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, and Venturing leaders and summer camp fishing instructors.
CAI Course Director’s Conference
Help train future Certified Angling Instructors
This train the trainer style conference facilitated by the BSA National Fishing Task Force and designed to develop existing Angling Certified Instructors into a confident CAI Course Directors that will build fun and exciting fishing programs for your council. Plan to join us as together we strive to deliver the promise to youth by offering quality fishing programs.
Course Highlights
- The Certified Angling Instructors (CAI) Directors conference is designed to increase the number of qualified BSA Certified Angling Instructors (CAI)throughout the US.
- Successful completion of this conference entitles the participant to be a CAI Course Director.
- You will be provided with a CAI Course manual that provides step-by-step instructions to create CAI courses for your council and area.
- The course highlights best practices on content delivery, in both the classroom and field.
- Receive instruction, review key methods, understand resources
- Exchange ideas with the Fishing Task Force Trainers
Who should attend?
Course participants must already be Certified Angling Instructors and registered members of the Boy Scouts of America. Ideally, participants will have served on the staff of at least one CAI course to date.