Fort Brooke Leader Specific Training

Den Leader & Asst. Den Leader /Cubmaster & Asst. Cubmaster/ Scoutmaster & Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training
The Den Leader Position-Specific Training course provides Cub Scout den leaders with the basic information they need to conduct successful den meetings. The course is intended to be conducted in a small group setting of about six to eight participants, similar to a den meeting.
Cubmaster Position-Specific Training provides what is needed to conduct successful Pack meetings and running effective Cub Scout Packs.
The purpose of Scoutmaster Position-Specific training is to provide an active, fun, and positive learning experience for new and experienced Scoutmasters to learn and apply proven techniques for running an effective Boy Scout troop. Scoutmasters will learn how to meet the aims of Scouting by applying the eight methods of the Boy Scouting program during the four main sessions of the course:
Patrol Method
Support Team
Annual Planning
Camp Owen J. Brorein
Saturday 03-01-2025
8:30 AM ET to 12:00 PM ET
Save the Date Den Leader & Asst. Den Leader
Camp Owen J. Brorein
Saturday 03-01-2025
8:30 AM ET to 12:00 PM ET
Save the Date Scoutmaster & Asst Scoutmaster
Camp Owen J. Brorein
Saturday 03-01-2025
8:30 AM ET to 12:00 PM ET