2020 Cub Scout Day Camp - Greater Tampa Bay Area Council

Cub Scout Day Camp or Twilight Camp is an accredited, organized, one- to five-day program for Cub Scouts. Using trained leadership at an approved site, these camps are held during daylight or early evening hours, but not overnight.
This year, in lieu of our normal day and twilight camps, we will be offering several live camp options (during summer and fall) and a virtual camp-in-a-box experience this summer.
The live camp options include: July 8-11 @ Camp Soule; August 6-8 @ Camp Brorein and November 13-15 in Thunderbird District (location TBD). More live options may follow.
The Virtual Day Camp-in-a-Box option will be available for three weeks: June 29-July 3; July 6-10 and July 13-17. This will involve a camp box picked up by parents that includes instructions, supplies and links to videos for adventures, activities, scout skills, crafts, NOVA and more!
These are great opportunities for your son or daughter to enjoy several fun-filled days with his or her fellow Scouts at one of our nearby Cub Scout camps and/or online.
Our Scouts will enjoy tried and true camp favorites such as BBs, Archery, Cooking, Sports, STEM/NOVA, leadership, Scout Skills, hiking, and more.
For more information, CLICK HERE
** Ask about discounts for children of camp staff **
Keeping Our Scouts Safe
The Greater Tampa Bay Area Council is committed to offer our Scouts fun and quality programs in a safe manner. We are adhering to the CDC and ACA (American Camp Association) guidelines as well as working closely with local Health Departments to provide a layered mitigation COVID strategy. Our COVID mitigation strategies are being overseen by the Council Health Supervisor, a board-certified pediatrician. For a complete and up to date list of our COVID-19 mitigation procedures, please visit: https://tampabayscouting.org/covid-mitigation-procedures.
In the case of a positive COVID result among participants at an event, GTBAC will follow the guidance of the local Health Department, which may include cancellation or closure of the event or facility.
- Everyone (Participants, Families, Volunteers and Staff) entering a camp or activity must:
- Have their temperature taken and it must be below 100.4 F to enter.
- Have their SpO2 level taken and it must be above 94% to enter.
- Present a Pre-Event Medical Checklist signed by a parent within the last 24 hours.
- Present current BSA health forms – Parts A,B
- Identify if they are considered a high-risk group where a COVID infection poses a greater health risk. GTBAC recommends these individuals please stay home.
- In the case of a positive COVID case among participants at an event, GTBAC will follow the guidance of the local Health Department, which may include cancellation or closure of the event or facility.
- Know that if a participant reports to a positive COVID test to Council within 21 days after an event, all of the registrations will immediately be notified via email and phone message
- For District and Council Events
- Each event will have a dedicated Medical Officer who is vetted by the Council Health Supervisor.
- Participants will be placed in groups to limit exposure to other participants. This model has been endorsed and proposed by the CDC and BSA guidelines.
- All program staff and volunteers that work with more than one cohort will wear personal protective equipment when interacting with participants.
- Upon entering and exiting all activity stations, participants are required to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer.
- Bathrooms and high touch areas will be disinfected regularly.
- Volunteers and program staff must wash/sanitize their hands at least every hour, when entering/exiting a program area and when beginning/ending interaction with a cohort group.
- To the extent possible, activities have been modified to promote Social Distancing.
- Wearing face masks is recommended for participants.
- If a participant develops flu-like symptoms during an event, they will be quarantined until they can leave the property.
- Dining halls and other high contact program areas are closed until Florida has entered phase 3 of recovery and authorization from the Council Health Supervisor is given.
- Day Camps
- The Pre-Event Medical Checklist will be required the first day of camp. For the remaining days of the session, the participants’ temperature and SpO2 will be taken each time they enter camp.
- Day camps will use a drop-off/pickup line to allow parents not attending camp to remain in their vehicle and reduce the mixing of the groups.
- Individualized materials will be supplied as much as possible.
- Scouts will be in den groups (consistent with cohort model) and remain with those groups throughout the program to limit exposure to other participants.
Greater Tampa Bay Area Council Lewis H. Hill Scout Center
Monday 06-29-2020 12:00 AM ET to
Friday 07-03-2020 11:59 PM ET Past
Virtual Day Camp-In-A-Box Week 2
Greater Tampa Bay Area Council Lewis H. Hill Scout Center
Monday 07-06-2020 12:00 AM ET to
Friday 07-10-2020 11:59 PM ET Past
Camp Soule
Camp Soule
Wednesday 07-08-2020 6:30 PM ET to
Saturday 07-11-2020 3:00 PM ET Past
Virtual Day Camp-In-A-Box Week 3
Greater Tampa Bay Area Council Lewis H. Hill Scout Center
Monday 07-13-2020 12:00 AM ET to
Friday 07-17-2020 11:59 PM ET Past
Greater Tampa Bay Area Council Lewis H. Hill Scout Center
Tuesday 07-28-2020 12:00 AM ET to
Saturday 08-01-2020 11:59 PM ET Past
Camp Brorein
Camp Owen J. Brorein
Thursday 08-06-2020 12:00 PM ET to
Saturday 08-08-2020 8:00 PM ET Past