Tipisa Lodge Spring Conclave 2024

Harry Potter
and The Order of the Arrow
March 1-3 2024
Camp La-No-Che
On behalf of Tipisa Lodge, I invite you to Spring Conclave.
Tipisa Lodge is a magical place and time draws near for Witches and Wizards to appear! The Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will post their finest Professors to separate the muggles from the magicians, and to judge the winner of the Tipisa House Cup! So ready your wands, feed your owls, and fly your broomsticks to Camp La-No-Che! Will hard-working Hufflepuff be the winners? Or perhaps brave Gryffindor will raise the cup? Come join your Chapter and lead your House to glory!
Spring conclave has so much fun to offer: Evening shows, engaging seminars, the Quest for the Golden Snitch, the traditional chief and adviser sink-a-thon, and the Annual Lodge Patch Auction are just some of the planned events.
Brotherhood members who have been elected to receive the Vigil Honor will be recognized at the Friday evening show. The Founder's Award will be presented at the Saturday evening show. It gives national recognition to Arrowmen whose lodge service exemplifies that of the Order’s Founders.
Event Fee: Includes Friday and Saturday cracker barrel, meals on Saturday, Sunday breakfast, and event program.
- $41 if registered by midnight, Feb. 27th.
- $46 if registered after Feb. 27th.
- (Note: Due to longer processing times, the eCheck payment option closes, midnight, Feb 21, 2024.)
Tents: Bring your own tent.
All members must be 2024 dues-paid to attend.
- Check dues status at members.oa-bsa.org
- Pay dues at tipisa.org/membership
- Email membership questions to membership@tipisa.org
Brotherhood: $17 - Ordeal members of 6 months or more are invited to become Brotherhood members.
- Brotherhood fulfills the Quest for the Arrow and completes the Induction.
- You must have completed your Ordeal prior to September 4, 2023.
- (Note: The Brotherhood Sash cost is $22. Tipisa Lodge pays the first $5.)
- Email Brotherhood questions to inductions@tipisa.org
Event patch: $5 - each registrant may pre-purchase one event patch. Additional patches may be purchased on-site from the Lodge Box.
Yours in Brotherhood,
Adam Brandt
Spring Conclave Chairman
Camp La-No-Che
Friday 03-01-2024 6:00 PM ET to
Sunday 03-03-2024 11:00 AM ET Past