Summer "Mini" Camp 2023

Summer "Mini" Camp is for Scouts who want to experience a 4 day/3 night camp that will leave them with memories that last a lifetime! Scouts will be able to participate in immersive and specialty programs focused on one program specialty. Each day there are opportunities for troop time activities from shooting, swimming, climbing, to our evening Big Stump Mud Hike! There’s something for everyone at Camp La-No-Che!
Adventure Camp: Scouts selecting Adventure Camp will go fast and high during their 4 day adventure at camp completing these 4 experiences during their stay! An additional program fee of $115 applies and goes towards material cost including horse feed, supplies, and Adventure Camp participant T-shirt!
- Backpacking Merit Badge
- Climbing Merit Badge
- Horsemanship Merit Badge
- Search and Rescue Merit Badge
Aquatics: Scouts who select this area will become a member of the Lake Norris Yacht Club by participating in our 3-tier sailing program and complete Swimming Merit Badge! LNYC has opportunities for scouts of all skill levels interested in sailing. Spend a week learning about sailing and spending time out on Lake Norris. The program ends the week with the LNYC Regatta, where all will fight to claim the coveted La-No-Che Cup!
- Swimming Merit Badge
- LNYC Mates - Small Boat Sailing Merit Badge
- LNYC Boatswains
- LNYC Captains
Ecology: Scouts who select this area are in for a great experience learning from Staff with a love of the outdoors, wildlife, and our ecosystem. Complete 4 merit badges offered very rarely at Camp La-No-Che and cultivate and foster your own love of nature and our year-round residence. Scouts will work towards the completion of Animal Science, Bird Study, Geology, and Insect Study and hike trails with our Staff seeing parts of La-No-Che not often seen during a "normal" week at camp.
Hobbies/Skills/STEM: Scouts who select this area are in for a great experience learning from Staff with a love of working with their hands, and teaching others valuables skills that will come in handi throughout their life time. Featuring this "MINI" camp merit badges like Electricity, Engineering, Home Repairs, and Welding. Scouts will learn these vocational skills and feel comfortable performing tasks many adults become apprehensive about later on in life. Definitely an area to consider for Scouts technically minded, or for Scouts wanting to try something new!
Native American: Our Native American area is a great choice when selecting a Summer "MINI" Camp program that is right for you. Once of the most popular areas of camp that focuses on historical education from a time long ago.
This area comes with a knowledgeable staff who enjoy educating Scouts of all ages. Scouts who select this area to spend their session will be working on a dynamic group of experiences. Many of which fill-up during a traditional Summer Camp Session. These experiences include: Basketry Merit Badge, Indian Lore Merit Badge, Textiles Merit Badge and our Primitive Cooking program. In our Primitive Cooking programs Scouts will have ability to sample wild game, and animal specially prepared. All materials, food, and crafts are included in the additional program fee of $80 for an all encompassing experience.
Shooting Sports: Outdoor education and firearm safety goes hand and hand, and this experienced staff will provide an outstanding first exposure to all things shooting sports. Scouts who select this area will have a unique opportunity to complete 4 Advanced Shooting Sports Programs.These programs include:
- Sling Shots
- Action Archery
- Black Powder
- Shotgun Merit Badge
Due to the rising cost of ammunition and sporting clays those Scouts who choose this program area for "MINI" Camp will be charged an additional program fee of $70 used for Shotgun Merit Badge qualification. If Scouts need more then 100 shots to qualify additional round can be purchased.
Trailblazers: This program area offers a fantastic start for those focused on moving up in their Scouting Rank Advancement. Scouting Skills required for Scout, Tenderfoot, Second, and First Class ranks are worked on during this "MINI" Camp Session.
Using the patrol method, Scouts are introduced to the fundamentals of being a Scout, and will leave camp with more knowledge then they came with. How much each Scout completes is up to them, and it is possible that different Scouts may complete more requirements than others. Unit should follow up with Scouts when they return from camp to ensure their knowledge and retention of requirements completed during their program.
New during Summer "MINI" Camp 2023 Trailblazers will also be offering Scouts the ability to work on water activity rank advancement requirements in cooperation with our Aquatics Staff and program area. Scouts will not only receive practical land based skills training, but also water based as well! With time spent in the pool to stay cool!
Evening Eagle Merit Badges:
A new experience being piloted this summer evening Eagle Merit Badges. Scouts during the first three evenings of Winter Camp (Wed- Fri) from 7-9pm can choose to sign-up for an Eagle Required Merit Badge to complete if they choose. Scouts must show up to each of the 3 nights to complete all requirements offered at Summer "MINI" Camp.
- Citizenship in the Nation
- Communications
Session A- June 7-10, 2023(Mini Camp Session A has been Cancelled, please consider Session B)- Session B- July 5-8, 2023
- SCOUTS: $200
- PROVO: $225
- ADULTS: $100
(must be paid 30 days prior to Summer "MINI" Camp Week)
- SCOUTS: $225
- PROVO: $250
- ADULTS: $125
(paid within 29 days of Summer "MINI" Camp Week)
Units who bring the folowing amount of Scouts to camp attend free.
- 5-29 Scouts = 2 Free Leaders
- 30-39 Scouts = 3 Free Leaders
- 40-49 Scouts = 4 Free Leaders
*Units must bring a minimum of 5 scouts for the discount
Check out our exclusive Summer Camp 2023: Battle for Camp La-No-Che, Red vs Blue, Camper Shirt
Our Summer Camp Online Trading Post link is now live! We encourage all of our units and Scouts attending to purchase their Summer Camp T-shirt prior to camp! Order as a unit and customize the sleeve to with your personalized Unit Numbers!
Options are available in both cotton and wicking; these shirts will be a hot commodity this summer and our Trading Post on camp will sell out! "Be Prepared" and make your preparations now! Order online and purchase for only $22.00. Orders are shipped straight to your door before your departure! Deadline is May 7th, 2023 don't delay!
Pay a Unit deposit of $50 to guarantee your campsite preference
A $50 per Scout non-refundable deposit is due at registration
(all fees must be paid 30 days before your camp starts)
If your Unit is not able to attend Summer Camp look no further than the Provisional Camper Program! Provisional offers a unique experience for Scouts to come together from different cities, councils, or even states to meet one another and have a great experience!
All programs are available to Provisional (Provo) Scouts as if they attended with their unit and we provide adult leadership to watch over them throughout their stay! The additional cost for Provo helps offset the cost for thier two-deep leadership, and additional Troop Time Activities just for Provo Scouts. A complete list of these Activities and Troop Time schedule will be provided in the Summer "Mini" Camp Program Guide for Scouts and parents to review. See you at Camp La-No-Che.
Camp La-No-Che does charge additional fees for Specialty Programs.
- Adventure Camp: $115
- Native American $80
- Shooting Sports: $70
Please also see Program Guide for any additional Troop Times selected that may have additional fees. Thank you
- Second Week = save $15 per Scout
- Camp Cards = Potentially save $225
NEW IN 2023:
PROGRAMS: Immersive programs focused on specific program areas, come experience 4 days/3 nights and enhance your traditional summer camp season.
TROOP TIMES IN 2023: Many camp favorites for the Summer Camp season will be returning, plus additional troop time offering related to our Battle for Camp La-No-Che- Red vs Blue!
SUMMER CAMP BONUS ATTRACTION TOURS: Here is your chance of a lifetime! Camp La-No-Che is proud to offer exciting tour packages for units visiting year round, especially during the summer season. Camp La-No-Che is uniquely positioned in Central Florida just hours from Disney World, Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure, Sea World, Kennedy Space Center, Daytona International Speedway, St. Augustine, Waterparks, Beaches and State Springs.
Open to all units attending camp year-round, Camp La-No-Che is your base camp to all that Central Florida has to offer. The possibilities are endless as you can choose to arrive a day early, stay a day later, or you may soon realize you want to stay an extra week for a blended attraction and camp experience. Camp will work to make your program unique and memorable.
More information will be made available in the Program Guide on January 1st. Packages will be made available for units to select, purchase, and then plan their adventure. Your unit will benefit from Camp La-No-Che Group Rates. As well as camp program scheduling, lodging, and food service as needed by your unit throughout your stay at Camp La-No-Che. Do you have questions contact camp directly, and start your journey to adventures in Central Florida!
All deposits paid, either for campsite or participant are non-refundable deposits. To request a refund of other monies paid, you must submit a refund request form and meet the criteria listed in order to receive a potential refund. To review our complete Cancellation and Refund Policy, or to submit a Cancellation Request, please visit:
The health and safety of our Scouting family will always be our top priority and Camp La-No-Che is prepared to provide a safe, fun environment for your Scouts. Our team has worked with multiple Council Committees to provide guidelines aimed at keeping everyone in attendance safe and healthy. Please be sure to review the Leader and Parent Guide for additional information, as well as the Program Guide when posted programs and activities.
Here’s your ticket to Adventure! Share it with your fellow parents, leaders, and Scouts, and let us know if there is anything we can do for you!
Camp La-No-Che
Wednesday 07-05-2023 12:00 PM ET to
Saturday 07-08-2023 10:00 AM ET Past