Central Florida Council - Webelos and Arrow of Light Summer Camp Rendezvous

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Webelos and Arrow of Light Summer Camp Rendezvous

Event Details

Webelos Rendezvous at Camp La-No-Che
July 16-19, 2020

It’s a 4 day, 3 night ADVENTURE at Camp La-No-Che!  Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts - this weekend is designed just for YOU!  Dive into an in-depth look at scout skills, aquatics, shooting sports and COPE/Climbing with a little bit of STEAM added in. You won’t find another program like this one all year!  For scouts entering 4th & 5th grades in the 2020-2021 school year.  Sorry, no siblings.

A parent or two deep leadership is required.  Provisional Camping is available for groups of 3 scouts or less from the same unit.  This means that 2 deep leadership will be provided for them and they will be placed in a Provisional Troop for the event.  Groups of 4 or more will need to provide their own two-deep leadership.

REGISTER EARLY and $AVE!! Meals Friday - Sunday are included.

July 16th - 19th
$125 per Scout and $75 per Adult thru June 24th
$140 per Scout and $75 per Adult May June 25th - July 8th
$175 per Scout and $95 per Adult July 9th - July 15th
Walk-ins at $175 per Scout and $95 per Adult July 16th & 17th

Bring your Den Chiefs for only $75 per session!

Please refer to attachments for further information:  Leaders's Guide, Q&A (Coming Soon) & BSA Medical Form

When & Where
Cub Resident Camp Session 2
Camp La-No-Che
Thursday 07-16-2020 4:00 PM ET to
Sunday 07-19-2020 1:00 PM ET Past
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