Central Florida Council - Cub Scout Day Camps 2025

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Cub Scout Day Camps 2025

Event Details

Invention Convention!


Send your Cub Scout to an INVENTION CONVENTION Day Camp this summer! Cub Scout Day Camp offers boys and girls entering 1st through 5th grade in the 2025-26 school year a full week of FUN and exciting activities as it relates to the Invention Convention theme. They will include earning elective adventures (different from previous years), earning range belt loops, STEM activities, crafts, and special guests with a focus on the inventing theme. Cub Scouts will be led to "use their noggins" and tap into their imagination and the possibilities that it brings while participating in these activities. Plus, they will spend time with their friends and meet new ones - BONUS!

Each district will host at least one day camp. You may choose which camp(s) to attend regardless of which District you are in. Registration fees include all program materials, special guest presentations, event patch and event T-shirt. Register at least 30 days prior to your chosen camp and receive a 2nd FREE camp t-shirt.

Day Camp in all Districts: $160 per cub scout

Twilight Camp 4:30-8:30pm in Challenger District Only: $100 per cub scout

Please Note:  Camp t-shirts are ordered from the vendor on May 1st. Therefore, if you register May 1st or later, you will still receive a shirt(s), but the size cannot be guaranteed. Cub Scouts are expected to wear their camp t-shirt every day during camp. Extra shirts may be purchased for an additional fee during the registration process.

1st Grade Tiger Scouts MUST have an adult partner with them at camp all week per BSA guidelines! Their registration as a TIGER PARENT is FREE.  However, this is the ONLY role they will play at Day Camp Per BSA policy.

EARN A FREE WEEK OF DAY CAMP BY SELLING CAMP CARDS! Choose the gift card prize and use it to pay for Day Camp. Ask your District Executive or Pack Leader for more details or see the prize selection section of the camp card program for more information.

CAMPERSHIPS: There are a limited number of camperships available. Apply during the registration process NO LATER THAN May 1st. Camperships will be awarded by May 15th. All camperships awarded will be no more than half the amount of the early registration fee. You may apply for a campership during the registration process.

Day Camp Installment Plan:
Register your Scout now with a $50 deposit and pay the balance before your camp begins!

Day Camps cannot happen without Volunteer help! We need YOU! Choose the amount of time you volunteer - 1/2 a day, 1 day, a few days or all 5 days.

  • Adults & Pack Leaders - will receive a FREE staff T-shirt and a $25 rebate on their Cub Scouts' paid registration fee IF volunteering all 5 days of camp. Those adults attending as a Tiger Parent do not qualify for this because per BSA policy, they cannot service as a Tiger Parent and as a volunteer at the same time.
  • Youth from Troops, Crews, Ships, Posts will earn service hours, an event patch, and a staff t-shirt. Per Scouting America policy, youth volunteers are to be 14 yrs or older. Youth 11-13 may volunteer, but MUST have a parent or an adult leader from their unit with them at all times during camp. This means that the 11-13 year old must volunteer in the same place at day camp as their parent or adult leader.
  • ALL volunteers MUST regisgter in 24/7 and as Camp Staff with Scouting America. If you are currently registered at the unit or district level, the camp statff registration will be considered a multiple registration and there is no charge. If you are not currently registered in Scouting America at the unit or district level, there will be a $25 charge to register as Camp Staff which will include a background check.

Benefits to Volunteering at Day Camp:

  • Be part of a team making a difference.
  • Meet parents from your community.
  • Have fun with doing activities and crafts with your Scout.
  • Opportunity for your Scout to see you in a positive leadership role.
  • Full training provided. Learn new skills.
  • Youth earn service hours.

Here are some ways you can help:

  • Teach a craft or Scouting skill.
  • Help with check-in during the mornings.
  • Run Errands for the director.
  • Pick up ice each morning.
  • Help promote Day Camp during the Spring to units to encourage participation as participants or volunteers.
  • Run the target range at camp (FREE training provided).
  • Be the Health Officer (Specific Certifications Required).

Volunteers also must fill out a medical form (see link in the attachment section of this page) and have a current Youth Protection Training certificate on file at camp. Register to be a volunteer at Day Camp during the registration process for your Cub Scout and help make Day Camp an unparalleled experience for you and your Scout!

Volunteers must be registered in Scouting America either in a unit, in the district or at the council level.


All deposits paid, either for campsite or participant are non-refundable deposits. To request a refund of other monies paid, you must submit a refund request form and meet the criteria listed in order to receive a potential refund. To review our complete Cancellation and Refund Policy, or to submit a Cancellation Request, please visit: https://www.camplanoche.com/camp-policies/



The health and safety of our Scouting family will always be our top priority and Camp La-No-Che is prepared to provide a safe, fun environment for your Scouts. Our team has worked with multiple Council Committees to provide guidelines aimed at keeping everyone in attendance safe and healthy. Please be sure to review the Leader and Parent Guide for additional information, as well as the Program Guide when posted for programs and activities. 

When & Where
Session 9A - Riverside District
Malabar Transmitter Annex
Monday 06-02-2025 8:00 AM ET to
Friday 06-06-2025 3:00 PM ET
More Information

Session 2A - Lake District
Grand Island Baptist Church
Monday 06-02-2025 8:30 AM ET to
Friday 06-06-2025 4:00 PM ET
More Information

Session 4B - Eagle Empire District
Salem Luthern Church
Monday 06-02-2025 8:30 AM ET to
Friday 06-06-2025 4:00 PM ET
More Information

Session 2B - Lake District
Family Christian Center
Monday 06-09-2025 8:30 AM ET to
Friday 06-13-2025 4:00 PM ET
More Information

Session 6A-Narcoossee Osceola County
Elks Lodge Kissimmee
Monday 06-16-2025 8:00 AM ET to
Friday 06-20-2025 4:00 PM ET
More Information

Session 1B - Timuqua District
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church
Monday 06-16-2025 8:30 AM ET to
Friday 06-20-2025 4:30 PM ET
More Information

Session 7A - Challenger District
Jake's Lake/Camp Chance
Monday 06-23-2025 8:30 AM ET to
Friday 06-27-2025 4:00 PM ET
More Information

Session 7T - Challenger District
Camp Chance
Monday 07-07-2025 4:30 PM ET to
Friday 07-11-2025 8:30 PM ET
More Information

Session 6B-Narcoossee Orange County
Center Pointe
Monday 07-14-2025 8:30 AM ET to
Friday 07-18-2025 4:00 PM ET
More Information