Direct Service Charter Renewal / Membership Fee Submittal 2020
Welcome Direct Service units! This is an online payment portal for submission of registration fees associated with your unit’s annual charter renewal. All fees included here are based on the 12-month term.
Here are some details about rechartering fees:
Charter Fee – An annual fee assessed by BSA. Select a maximum of 1, $75 total.
Individual Registration Fees – This includes the number of paid youth and paid adults in the charter renewal, plus any additional youth and adults submitted with new applications. This includes $2 per individual to cover accident insurance at all Scouting events.
- $68 for youth members in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scouts
- $44 for youth members in Exploring
- $44 for adult members in all programs
Boys' Life Magazine – Select the total number of subscriptions indicated on the charter renewal.
Overseas Address Surcharge – There is NO charge for APO, DPO, and FPO addresses. Boys' Life subscriptions sent to foreign addresses will be assessed a $33 charge annually.