Prince William District IOLS Training Oct 2023
Introduction to OUTDOOR Leader Skills (IOLS) TRAINING for Scouting LEADERS
October 21-22, 2023 Flying Circus Aerodrome, Bealton, VA (conducted in conjunction with the Prince William/Old Dominion Districts' Fall Camporee)
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills builds and expands on the concepts and themes introduced in Scoutmaster Position-Specific Training and Varsity Coach Position-Specific Training, and provides Scouters with the confidence to take youth into the outdoors. Specifically, this hands-on program gives adult leaders a practical introduction to the patrol method of a youth-led troop by teaching leadership skills through a series of outdoor activities. These will model the teaching methods, activities, and games model the variety of teaching used in effective and engaging Scouting programs. Experienced Scouters teach the topics you need for a great program.
Topics Include:
- Explanation
- Demonstration
- Guidance
- Counseling
- Monitoring
- Motivation
- Participation
- Coaching
Costs: $25 per Scouter; $35 after October 13. Registration limited to 24 participants.
Prerequisites: Current YPT, Registered Scouter
Equipment: A list of camping equipment and other course material will be provided to registrants prior to the event
Schedule: 8:00 AM October 21, 2023 to 11:00 AM October 22, 2023
Flying Circus Aerodrome
Saturday 10-21-2023 8:00 AM ET to
Sunday 10-22-2023 11:00 AM ET Past