National Capital Area Council - Goose Creek Merit Badge University 2020

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Goose Creek Merit Badge University 2020

Event Details

THIS EVENT IS CLOSED FOR REGISTRATION.  We will not be taking any walkins.

NOTE: We're looking for volunteers to assist/sit in on merit badge classes & adult Females to assist/sit in on classes if we have female scouts register.

No walk-in registrations the morning of the event.  For prereqs & further information regarding classes available see the 1ClassCatalog-PrereqsToDoBeforeMBU.   Please read the information below in its entirety at least once.  Scouts may not complete some merit badges in their entirety at this event.

Merit Badges being offered:All day: Citizenship in the Community (FULL), First Aid (2 classes) 

AM: Astronomy, Crime Prevention, Family Life (FULL), Public Speaking (FULL), Radio (FULL), Soil & Water Conservation  

PM: Crime Prevention, Family Life (FULL), Geocaching, Programming (FULL), Public Speaking (FULL), Radio (FULL)

   We're also offering the following FREE Adult Training: Stop the Bleed: "Stop the Bleed is intended to cultivate grassroots efforts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives."  REVIVE: "REVIVE! provides training on how to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose emergency using naloxone. 

1. Check-in is between 7:30-8:00 am. Opening ceremony begins at 8:00AM.  AM & All-day classes begin at 8:30AM.  PM classes begin at 12:30PM.  (Some classes may end earlier) Scouts should wear their Class A to this event.  Scouts should bring their own lunch, snacks & drinks.

2. A scout is prepared. Scouts are to bring a blue card signed/approved by your scoutmaster.  Blue cards are the responsibility of the Scout. Please be aware that a scout may not fully complete the requirements for a merit badge at this event. Scouts need to bring the completed requirements along with the proof of completion to their merit badge class for sign off.  Scouts shouldn't expect to be able to complete the merit badge without preparing in advance of the MBU. While we'll cover most of the material as part of the sessions, scouts must demonstrate completion of all requirements to successfully earn the merit badge. 

3. Scouts should read & bring their merit badge pamphlets (books) with them.  Scouts should print out the workbook for each merit badge they're registered for & complete the prerequisites BEFORE the Merit badge University if possible.  If an incomplete is given scouts can contact the merit badge counselor at a later date to complete requirements or find one to complete it within their troop if they’ve traveled from far away. You'll find the prerequisites for all the merit badges that are offered at the MBU under attachments in the classcatalog-PrereqsToDoBeforeTheMBU.  Often requirements for merit badges are changed by the Boy Scouts of America. It's the responsibility of every Scout attending MBU to review the requirements for their selected merit badges to ensure that they're working with the most recent requirements.

5. You may review the requirements and changes to merit badge pamphlets by going to the following Web site:

6. When reading the prerequisites, please take special notice of any cases in which a merit badge requirement includes the words "Discuss or explain with your counselor...”. Scouts are expected to put in writing any or all discussion points which you would ordinarily verbally discuss with your counselor "& bring these with you to merit badge university.  This accommodation is necessary due class sizes during the MBU and to give every Scout an opportunity to fulfill these types of requirements. If you have questions about this item, please contact your merit badge counselor.

7. When a scout contacts a merit badge counselor through his/her email, remember to copy a parent/guardian/Scoutmaster in order to comply with two-deep leadership. (A parent appreciates being one of the people on the email) When a Scout emails through their parents/guardians’ email, they must copy a second parent/guardian/Scoutmaster on emails to ensure two deep leadership is maintained.

When & Where
Merit Badge University
Riverside High School
Saturday 02-15-2020
7:30 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past
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