National Capital Area Council - Building Momentum with SBSA: Welding & Composite Materials

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Building Momentum with SBSA: Welding & Composite Materials

Event Details

Event Overview

Building Momentum is hosting an event for Scouts BSA to earn the Welding and Composite Materials merit badges! 

They will host 2 sessions (an AM Welding class and a PM Composite Materials class) at their workshop in Alexandria, VA. You may sign up for only one, or both classes. 

Who can attend? Scouts BSA and friends ages 11-18. Feel free to sign-up with a friend

Class Overview

All of the classes balance instruction with hands-on shop time so the youth can gain practical experience with Welding and Composite Materials. 

Event Schedule:  
Morning sessions are 8am - 11:30am. Lunch break is 11:30 - 12:30pm. Afternoon sessions are 12:30 - 4pm. 

Event Requirements and Details

Uniforms: Attendees must wear close-toed shoes and pants covering ankles with no holes and made of at least 70% natural fibers (ie. cotton, denim, linen). This is extremely important; anyone not in appropriate attire will not be permitted to weld. Building Momentum will provide necessary safety gear. SBSA may wear Class A uniform. 

What to bring: 

  • pencil, merit badge workbook
  • water bottle
  • Food: Bring your own bag lunch and snacks to enjoy during lunch hour!  Please do not bring products with peanuts. 

Parents and guardians: are welcomed to volunteer in your Scouts session or elsewhere with the event. Please indicate your volunteer availability/preferences during registration.

Location: Building Momentum  | 5380 Eisenhower Ave Suite C, Alexandria, VA 22304

Registration Fee: The cost for the Welding class is $70, the cost for the Composite Materials class is $55.  

Merit Badge Completion/Follow-Up/What to Expect: BuildMo instructors are Merit Badge Counselors with NCAC and digital blue cards will be provided (they are linked to our registration system).You will receive an email with instructions on retrieving them after the event. 

Questions?  email or call 240.395.0601

When & Where
Welding AM Session
Building Momentum
Monday 02-17-2025
8:00 AM ET to 11:30 AM ET Past
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Composite Materials PM Session
Building Momentum
Monday 02-17-2025
12:30 PM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past
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