Wipit Polestar Training for Advisers
When: December 15, 2024
Times: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Place: Camp Snyder - Hlyton Center
6100 Antioch Rd, Haymarket, VA 20169
Cost: None
We invite all Chapter Advisers, Lodge Advisers, Ceremony and Induction Advisers, and any other interested OA Advisers to join us for “Polestar for Advisers"; on December 15th at Camp Snyder (in the Hylton Training Center, just after entering the main gate).
This day-long session will reveal how the Order of the Arrow fulfills the Scout Mission “To prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.”
The OA achieves this goal first in the Induction itself, and then in the personal relationships that the OA is designed to foster. As a practical matter, this course is the OA’s first “position-specific training” for advisers. Training will be delivered in person by Paul Lackie, a member of the National Inductions Training team, current Tipisa Lodge Adviser, and a principal author of Polestar itself (as well as a major contributor to the Brotherhood ceremony and other key induction elements).
This is essential training for any OA adviser, and will enrich our ability to create the individual, social, leadership experiences the OA is designed to provide. Past attendees also note how it enhances our own fulfillment in Scouting. This will be an intensive all-day event, kicking off at 9am. Pizza and snacks will be provided for attendees.
This is not a ceremony training event, nor is it focused on ceremony evaluation. However, it will reveal a deeper understanding of the ceremonies and the particular values they are designed to instill. Adult attendees from outside Wipit are invited to join us - this is not a Lodge specific event.
Pre-work: Please watch the online Polestar training located here: https://oa-scouting.org/resources/inductions/polestar. This is designed to supplement and enhance the experience and knowledge of those who are already trained in Inductions.
Camp William B. Snyder
Sunday 12-15-2024
9:00 AM ET to 5:00 PM ET Past