2025 OA Membership Transfer
Event Details

Amangamek-Wipit Lodge
Membership Transfer
This registration site is for transferring Order of the Arrow membership from another lodge to the Amangamek-Wipit Lodge. The information requested allows the lodge to create a transfer membership record. It is critical that the responses to information be completed as thoroughly as possible.
Personal information fields that must be provided are:
- BSA ID (from ScoutNet)
- Date of Birth
- Current registration Unit type and number (you must be registered with a unit, district or council to be an active member of the OA)
- Chapter (i.e. District) in which the unit is chartered
Induction information fields that must be provided are:
- Induction Date (Ordeal and/or Brotherhood, as applicable)
- If the precise date of your Ordeal and/or Brotherhood is not known, provide your best guess
- Vigil Induction Dates (certificate vs. induction date)
- These dates are not the same; if the actual induction date is not known the certificate date can be used in its place
Vigil Honor members
- To complete your registration, scan, and email (to membership@wipit470.org) a copy of your Vigil certificate or sufficient documentation that will allow verification of vigil induction by the lodge
- If you contact the lodge where you were inducted, they should be able to provide a member report from LodgeMaster that includes all of the detail
- This must be provided in order for the membership record to be created with the Vigil honor included; lacking the certificate (copy) or other documentation; the record will be limited to Brotherhood
- Once the membership transfer is complete, a current year membership card will be mailed from the lodge. This membership card will include the OALM ID assigned and the Order of the Arrow Honor History (i.e. induction dates and for vigil honor members the Indian name and English translation if provided).