Difficult Run Scouts BSA Troop Committee Training
Troop Committee Training
When: Sunday, September 22, 2024, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Where: Kingstone Chase Pool Clubhouse, 1623 Hiddenbrook Drive, Herndon, VA 20170
This course is for registered Scouts BSA Troop Committee Chairs and Committee Members and is required to complete your basic training. Interested parents working with Scouts BSA troops are welcome to attend as well.
Without support provided by the troop committee, troop delivery of the Scouts BSA program is not possible. Through a series of lively presentations and discussions, the course provides essential information about the troop committee’s administration and program support functions. Course topics are:
- Scouting aims and methods
- The scouting hierarchy
- How the troop works
- Troop committee roles and responsibilities
- Selecting, recruiting, and training adult leaders
- Troop finances
- Advancement
- Troop committee meetings
- Charter renewal and JTE
- Youth protection and safety policies
- Troop by-laws
- Commissioner support to the troop committee
Fee: The course is free.
Wear/Bring: Wear Scouts BSA leader uniform
Roger Claff
Difficult Run District Training Chair
(703) 401-0762
When & Where:
Kingston Chase Pool Clubhouse
1623 Hindenbrook Drive
Herndon, VA 20170
Sunday, September 22, 2024, 1:00-5:00 PM