Akela's Trail

National Capital Area Council’s
2021 Akela's Trail (Formerly known as Pow-Wow!)
What is Akela's Trail? Akela's Trail is a supplemental, action-packed training event for all Cub Scout adult leaders and parents. You will spend the morning learning new ideas, concepts, and have group discussion experiences, which will enhance your ability to deliver and support a fun-filled, exciting program to Cub Scouts.
When is Akela's Trail? November 20, 2021, via Zoom! The opening ceremony starts at 8:30 and we will have three 55-minute courses, starting at 9 am, 10 am, and 11 am.
What if I have question about Akela's Trail? Send an e-mail to: Christopher Cooper at odd_commissioner@cooper3000.com.
Akela's Trail Program Director: Bill Mayo at williamgmayo@gmail.com.