Hit a Bulls Eye! - Snyder Spring Camping 2021

Hit a Bulls Eye! with Camp Snyder Spring Camping 2021
Thanks for choosing Camp Snyder for Family Camping in the Spring of 2021. We're excited to give everyone an opportunity to get outside into the woods!
Please make one registration per household. Please choose your program activities appointments while registering and limit your household to 3 activity selections. Your registration includes overnight camping. We cannot accommodate day only participants while following our COVID-19 virus transmission precautions.
Please download all documents to prepare you for your Camp Snyder Hit a Bulls Eye! experience. Documents can be found in the lower right section of this page. You will want to complete and bring with you the Camp Snyder COVID-19 Self Certification for your camping party the day you leave home for Camp Snyder.
More information about Hit a Bulls Eye! is available on gotosnyder.org
COVID 19 Virus Precautions: These events will be limited to 150 overnight campers per weekend to avoid crowding. There will be no more than 3 families per unit-sized campsite and with assigned shower houses, which will be disinfected daily per CDC guidelines. Each family and staff member will certify they performed virus temperature and symptoms checks the day of arrival or will be checked by a staff member on arrival. Each family and staff member must wear a mask any time physical distancing cannot be maintained from others. Family groups are also responsible for their own food storage and preparation. Program activities are conducted on a scheduled appointment basis to limit the number of participants and maintain physical distancing during the activity. Activity areas and equipment will be disinfected between each use, with hand sanitizer or soap and water are available at each station for personal hygiene. These procedures were used successfully during the Camp Snyder 2020 Family Camping events. You will find more information in the attached documents at the bottom right of this page.
Camp William B. Snyder
Friday 04-23-2021 5:00 PM ET to
Sunday 04-25-2021 10:00 AM ET Past
Weekend 2
Camp William B. Snyder
Friday 05-21-2021 5:00 PM ET to
Sunday 05-23-2021 10:00 AM ET Past