Washington, D.C. Fall Camporee 2019

SCOUT INVESTIGATORS, Washington, D.C. Fall Camporee
LOCATION: Cedarville State Forest: 10201 Bee Oak Road; Brandywine, MD 20613
DATE: October 18, 19, 20, 2019
THEME: A Scout Mystery Adventure
Come join the Scouts of the Washington, D.C. District to solve a Scout-themed mystery adventure. This Camporee is based on finding clues and unraveling a mystery. The emphasis of the Camporee is fun and fellowship.
Points of Contact:
Youth Camporee Leadership:
The Washington, D.C. Chapter of the Order of the Arrow, the national honor society of the Boy Scouts of America, is coordinating this event. OA youth, and other experienced youth Scouts, will staff the camporee. If you are an experienced youth Scout interested in volunteering as camporee staff, please send an e-mail to Jamir Grier, D.C. Chapter of the OA’s chapter chief, at juhmeer.grear@gmail.com or Quentin Colon Roosevelt vice chief of Program at quentincolonroosevelt@gmail.com letting them know you are interested.
We also rely on Cub Scout unit leaders and den walkers to help with the Cub Scout age participants.
Registration Contact:
For answers to registration questions, contact Jai Evans, chapter adviser of the Washington, D.C. Chapter of the Order of the Arrow, at (202)-277-1550 or jai.a.evans@gmail.com.
MEALS and LOGISTICS: Units will coordinate their meals and camping. The Cub Scouts at daytime-only activities will need to bring their lunch or arrange to eat as a Unit.
PRIOR TO THE CAMPOREE: We love great, family-friendly and scout-friendly skits and songs for the campfire program. Bring your favorites for our fantastic Saturday campfire program. Units see recommended packing list at the end of the packet.
Also, note we need Adult den leadership and den walkers for the Cub Scout activities for education and safety. We want you to participate in the opportunity to help your Cubs have fun with a purpose. As units please coordinate who will help lead your Cub Scout participants as they rotate through stations.
ARRIVAL AT CAMP: Upon arriving at camp, Troops should check-in for their designated camp area at the registration popup located at road-fork for the camping loops, and begin set up.
VEHICLES IN CAMP: All vehicles will need to park designated locations.
CHECK-IN: Registration/Check-in is at the check-in popup tent at the road intersection to the camping loops., and opens at 6:30 P.M. on Friday. We will have Camp registration Saturday as well. If you did NOT pre-register, you will need to pay all appropriate fees at the time of check-in.
CAMPER CHECK-OUT: For those camping overnight, check out will begin immediately after the Scout’s Own Service Sunday morning. Please refer to the check out sheet in this Guide and have it prepared for your camp staff aide. Please strictly observe, and adhere to the Leave No Trace principles at check out. You cannot be released until your form is signed by your camp aide. Please leave your campsite area ‘better than you found it’.
ALCOHOL AND ILLEGAL DRUGS: No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs of any type will be permitted in camp.
FIREARMS: No fireworks or firearms of any kind will be allowed at the Camporee.
BUDDY SYSTEM: The buddy system is required for all scouts - all the time – at the Camporee; Cubs must be accompanied by adults.
BEHAVIOR: As with any Scouting activity, our behavior is in accordance with the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, Leave No Trace and the Golden Rule. See Camping Etiquette Guide at end of the packet.
SECURITY: Please lock your vehicles and secure valuables. The Boy Scouts, Cedarville State Forest, the District, and the Camporee host staff will not be liable for lost or stolen items.
UNIFORM: Appropriate Scout uniform should be worn during the Camporee. “Class B” uniform (Scout themed T-shirts) are appropriate, except for the Saturday night campfire and Scouts Own Service on Sunday (full field Class “A” uniform required for both these events). See packing list at end of the packet.
FIRST AID: Our District Explorer Post 1891 will be available for many first aid needs, and will be available to report medical emergencies. Each unit should bring their BSA medical forms with them, A-B. We prefer that the Units hold the forms and provide a Point of Contact cell phone for medical form access in case of emergency.
TRASH: All trash is to be properly bagged and hauled to the dumpster by the individual participating units. Please bring your own garbage bags. We ask that you remind your Scouts to practice Leave No Trace practices.
FIRES: Campfires are at your discretion in designated fire rings, please ensure your scouts are exercising good judgment, under supervision, and that fires are fully extinguished when a campsite is not manned. If you collocate in a camp loop please be courteous to your neighbors and share fire rings. Use Leave No Trace concepts in all that you do this weekend. There will likely be firewood, already fallen, in the area of the camping. Please join us for a Cracker Barrel, announcements, and Camporee update on Friday night (SPLs and Unit leaders only); this Cracker Barrel will be hosted by the District OA Chapter.
SITE INSPECTIONS: Sometime just after lunch on Saturday, the inspection team will visit your campsite to judge your gateway/improvements and campsite.
SUNDAY MORNING: This activity will provide a Non-denominational Scouts’ Own Service.
WATER: There is potable water available.
OTHER FACILITIES ON-SITE: There are restroom/bathhouse restroom facilities located at the camping area. Please provide appropriate supervision for your youth in these facilities to support youth protection guidelines and prevent damage to facilities.
Cedarville State Forrest
Friday 10-18-2019 5:00 PM ET to
Sunday 10-20-2019 8:30 AM ET Past