2021 Klondashpro
As the name KlondAshPro implies, we are combining elements of all three Spring events - the Klondike Derby, the Alonzo Stagg 50/20 Hike, and the Projectoree - into one. Scouts will hike a circular route in N. Arlington with activity stations set up at a number of Arlington or NVRPA parks. Some of these station will involve Scout skills, others will be "for fun" activities. This will not be a competitive event, and nothing will be scored. Fun challenges include: Firebuilding, Slingshots, Knot tying, Nuclear reactor game, Rope Bridge, Horseshoes, Compass course, Scat/tree/poisonous plant identification, and geocaching.
All participants will receive the commemorative patch above.
Individual patrols will hike from station to station. Each Patrol will end up where it started to make it easier for parents to drop off and pick up their Scouts.
When: Saturday May 8, 2021 9 am to 3 pm (Rain date May 14)
Where: North Arlington (scouts in sports programs can leave and come back)
Cost: $25 per scout, $10 per adult, $10 for staff (Staff fee pays for patches and ribbons for participants)
To Do: Your troop must preregister by midnight on May Day (May 1, 2021)
Various places in Arlington
Saturday 05-08-2021
9:00 AM ET to 3:00 PM ET Past