2024 Cub Scout/Webelos Sleepaway Camp At J.N. Webster

JNW Overnight Cub/Webelos Week (Week 7)
Calling all Cubs, Webelos, and Parents!
Join us at J.N. Webster S.R. in Ashford, CT, for an action-packed week of Fun!
Full Week:
August 4-9, 2024
1/2 Session (Mini-Week):
August 4-7, 2024
THEME: Where's Waldo? & The Game of Clue!
Webelos ONLY Track: Designed for Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts. This Track is a transitionary program. Webelos Week offers a wide variety of fun and challenging programs for your Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts. The FULL Week option is highly recommended for Webelos/AOL participants for maximum adventure.
Cub Scout Track: Full & 1/2 week options for Wolfs & Bears, Tigers must have an adult partner. 1/2 week recommend for our younger cubs. Cub Scout Resident Camp will offer a wide variety of fun-filled and challenging activities for your Cub Scouts: experience an outdoor overnight stay in the great outdoors, discover Nature, Scout Skills, Sanford Aquatic Center, and much more. The Cub Scout Track is distinctly different from the Webelos Offerings, but there is plenty of Den/Pack time for a unit that brings both Webelos and Cubs.
J.N. Webster Scout Reservation
Sunday 08-04-2024 8:30 AM ET to
Friday 08-09-2024 4:00 PM ET Past
Week 7: Mini-Week 1
J.N. Webster Scout Reservation
Sunday 08-04-2024 12:00 PM ET to
Wednesday 08-07-2024 10:00 AM ET Past