Connecticut Rivers Council - Fall Cub Day Camp at Mattatuck

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Fall Cub Day Camp at Mattatuck

Event Details

Cub Scout Fall Day Camp - 9am - 4pm

Brought to you by Camp Mattatuck, the third-annual Fall Camp Experience is designed to emulate all things we love about Summer Camp! The program will run on Saturday September 10th. The program will feature many of the programs Scouts love during our regular summer camp season. The Fall Day Camp program is unit camping only, meaning Scouts cannot attend as individuals, they must have an accompanying unit leader/adult. This program aims to keep the Scouting Spirit alive in all of us and offer a camping experience for all our Scouts and Scouters.

New to this year, we allow units to camp and experience the program for the entire weekend. We are asking all Units interested to please rent a campsite for the weekend. Sign-up all participating scouts with a Rolling Lunch will be provided for all scouts on Saturday day, similar to the 2022 Summer Camp experience.

Activities will include: 

- Archery 

- Flag etiquette 

- Bouldering 

- And more!  

When & Where
Cub Scout Fall Day Camp
Mattatuck Scout Reservation
Saturday 09-10-2022
9:00 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past
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