NRA Instructor Training at Camp Workcoeman

NRA Rifle or Shotgun Instructor training is being offered this fall at Camp Workcoeman in an effort to offer safe and challenging shooting sports activities at our camps. Scouters with an interest in becoming part of a council shooting sports team can become certified as an NRA Rifle or Shotgun Instructor.
Becoming a certified NRA Instructor in Rifle or Shotgun requires a three step process:
1. Basic Rifle or Shotgun Course
2. Basic Instructor Training (BIT)
3. NRA Rifle or Shotgun Instructor Training
1. Basic Course in Rifle or Basic Course in Shotgun
Basic Rifle Course - Saturday, September 10 8AM - 6 PM
Basic Shotgun Course - Saturday, September 24 8AM - 6 PM
The fee for each course is $125, which covers materials, manuals, notebooks, ammunition, targets, and lunch.
2. Basic Instructor Training (BIT)
BIT - Tuesday, October 4 and Thursday, October 6 6PM - 10 PM.
Each night location TBD.
The cost is $60 to cover all materials.
3. NRA Rifle Instructor Training or NRA Shotgun Instructor Training
NRA Rifle Instructor Training - Saturday, October 29 8AM - 6PM
NRA Shotgun Instructor Training - Saturday, November 5 8AM - 6 PM
The fee for either course is $150, which includes Instruction Charts, manuels, notebooks, ammunition, targets, and lunch.
Operating a shooting range in Connecticut Rivers Council requires an NRA Instructor and a Range Safety Officer (RSO)
Anyone with interest in shooting sports is eligible to become a RSO. This training is not required to become a rifle or shotgun instructor and does not have a shooting component in the training.
Range Safety Officer Training - Saturday, January 21 8AM - 5PM
(Snow date January 28)
The course fee is $100.
Training to become a certified NRA Pistol Instructor is also available and can be scheduled. For those interested in this training, please contact Shooting Sports Committee Chairman, Tom Transue -
Camp Workcoeman
Saturday 09-10-2022
8:00 AM ET to 6:00 PM ET Past
Basic Shotgun Course
Camp Workcoeman
Saturday 09-24-2022
8:00 AM ET to 6:00 PM ET Past
Basic Instructor Training
Camp Workcoeman
Tuesday 10-04-2022
6:00 PM ET to 10:00 PM ET Past
NRA Rifle Instructor Training
Camp Workcoeman
Saturday 10-29-2022
8:00 AM ET to 6:00 PM ET Past
NRA Shotgun Instructor Training
Camp Workcoeman
Sunday 12-04-2022
8:00 AM ET to 6:00 PM ET Past
Range Safety Officer Training
Camp Workcoeman
Saturday 01-21-2023
8:00 AM ET to 5:00 PM ET Past