2021 Camperships

GENERAL INFORMATION - Connecticut Rivers Council administered Camperships will be restricted to Connecticut Rivers Scouts only, attending a Connecticut Rivers Council Camp Program, subject to available funding and on basis of financial need. - A copy of the family's most recent Form 1040 - first page only, with Social Security number(s) blacked out MUST be mailed to the CRC office. - Regardless of total household ANNUAL INCOME, if there are extenuating situations, please explain in the space provided above. - Applicants are required to forward this completed application by April 1, 2021. If an applicant does not have internet access, please work with unit leadership to process this application. - Any Campership applications received after April 1 will be put into a pool for consideration of any remaining funds. - Except on rare occasions, Camperships are NOT granted for amounts greater than 50% of the camp fee. - Campership applicants will be notified of award on or around May 1. - Unit leaders will be advised of Camperships awarded and/or pending, in order to support the camp registration process. Unit leaders will not be provided family's financial information. - Campership applicants will make all camp payments to the unit and are advised not to forward final payment to the unit until notice of Campership award has been announced on or around May 1. - Camperships are awarded for ONE (1) camp session. - File a separate application for EACH individual requesting a Campership. - It is understood that this application is not a guarantee that the Scout applicant will be awarded a Campership. - ALL INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED, INCLUDING ANNUAL INCOME. FAILURE TO COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL CAUSE DELAYS IN PROCESSING. - NO LATE CAMP FEES WILL BE CHARGED. Questions?? Please Contact Michele Soboslai 860-913-2746
Council Service Center
Thursday 04-01-2021 12:00 AM ET to
Saturday 07-31-2021 11:59 PM ET Past
Scouts BSA Resident
Council Service Center
Thursday 04-01-2021 12:00 AM ET to
Saturday 07-31-2021 11:59 PM ET Past
Cub Scout Resident
Council Service Center
Thursday 04-08-2021 12:00 AM ET to
Saturday 07-31-2021 11:59 PM ET Past