Indian Lore Merit Badge Weekend

Saklan Lodge Presents:
Indian Lore Merit Badge Weekend
All scouts are welcome to come and learn about American Indian traditions and earn a merit badge. This is a weekend camp-out event where you will experience: Indian Drumming, Indian Dancing, Indian Pow Wow, Indian Singing, Indian Regalia Construction Making, Indian Bead Work, and making Indian Fry Bread!
When: March 22nd to 24th, 2024 – Friday @ 5:00 pm to Sunday @ 12:00 pm
Where: Corralitos Padres Hall, 35 Browns Valley Rd, Corralitos
Limit: Restricted to the first 50 scout participants!
Cost: $40 before March 1st, $45 after March 1st, $50 at the door
What to bring: Changes of clothing, sleeping bag, tent, flashlight, etc. (All Scouts will be sleeping outside.)
What will happen?: Most of the event will take place indoors, but the scouts will be drumming, dancing, and performing Indian ceremonies outdoors. Please bring warm clothes for the outdoors including rain gear and camping equipment. During the weekend you will receive a Friday night snack, meals Saturday breakfast through Sunday breakfast. Utensils and mess equipment provided.
Adult Supervision: Staff will be onsite to provide needed requirements, additional adult volunteers are welcome.
Friday 03-22-2024 5:00 PM PT to
Sunday 03-24-2024 12:00 PM PT Past