2025 First Time Cub Camping

Come Learn How to Camp with Cub Scouts!
Saturday, June 14th at 11am to Sunday Jun, 15th at 11am
This weekend is an opportunity for first time campers, those who have not camped in a long time, or those that would like some help camping with Cub Scouts—to gain support and learn how to camp with Cubs! Camp Chesebrough is situated in a majestic redwood forest and surrounded by a rich history born of the logging industry that will transport you and your family while still being a quick drive away.
Who Can Attend?
Cub Scout families that are either inexperienced with camping or have never done camping with Cub Scouts. Adults (other than parents/guardians) must be registered in the BSA. All youth must be registered in Cub Scouts. See last section below to learn more about registration policies.
What Will You Do & Learn?
Camping will be at the lower part of Camp Chesebrough called Shingle Mills. At camp you will set up your own tents using your own gear, prepare and cook dinner and breakfast with your own equipment, play games, wash dishes, go on a hike, and have a campfire! Food to cook will be provided.
What Do You Need?
- Bagged lunch for Saturday, or eat before you arrive at camp.
- All your own camping gear, including (not a complete list):
- Tents
- Sleeping bags
- Sleeping pads
- Stoves
- Pots and pans
- Mess kits
- Water bottles
- Utensils
- Etc.
- A full packing list will be provided
- Assistance with stoves and cooking will be provided
What Is Provided by Camp?
- Food to cook for Saturday dinner, Saturday cracker barrel, and Sunday Breakfast
- Lots of hands to help provide support and assistance
- Activities for Cub Scouts
- Assistance with stoves if needed — please bring your own if you have one. If you don't please contact activities@svmbc.org. There are a limited number to borrow.
Why You Should Attend?
To get all the hands on help with camping basics, including tons of advice, and a safe place to practice and learn! You will learn how to choose a good tent location, how to set up tents, how to handle stoves, cooking meals, and cleaning up in the outdoors. Bonus: there will be fun activites to do with Cub Scouts at a campout, as well as a campfire!
New This Year — Registration Policies
All adults attending camp need to be registered in the BSA except for parents/guardians of Cub Scouts. If additional family members over 18 plan on attending then they must register with the BSA at least 14 days in advance of the event.
More questions about a specific case please consult Adult Supervision in the Guide to Safe Scouting.