Pacifica District - Huntington Beach 4th of July Parade

Start Time 9:15am, Be there by 8:30am
(PCH street lineup numbers come out on the night of July 3rd)
FLOAT: Lions and Tigers ONLY! Each Lion and Tiger must be accompanied by their Akela (Parent). The cubs must RIDE (No Walking) and Leaders and Akelas walk behind the float.
CUB MARCHING UNIT: Wolves thru Arrow of Light. march with their Leader(s).
Each Pack needs one leader per Cub marching unit.
GARRISON FLAG MARCHING UNIT: Must be registered members of Scouts BSA, Venturing Participants and/or Sea Scouts. Scouts BSA, Venturing Participants and Sea Scout members carry the flag, leaders march beside the flag. No Cub Scouts please. We have a finite amount of scouts that can participate in each unit.
Participating Packs must supply 1-2 adults to help build/decorate and tear down the float. There are separate days for building, decorating and tearing down. Different people can come on different days, depending on schedules/availability.
For the purpose of the 4th of July Parade planning, a unit LEADER is the person in charge of coordinating your unit's participation in the parade. Leaders from each unit to register themselves and their participating scouts.
(1 leader for float; 1 leader for Cubs Marching Unit; 1 leader for Garrison marching Unit)
As the lead person for the unit you will be distributing all the information sent out, such as Dates; Times; Meeting Places; Maps; and Instructions to get your unit to the Parade from Start to the Finish. If you can't do these things, nominate someone else as the UNIT LEADER (must be over 21 years old.)