Wiatava Lodge Induction Weekend #1 at IROEC

You have been elected to the Order of the Arrow by the Scouts in your unit. Following your election, you were called out. Next you must complete your Induction Weekend.
What is this Induction Weekend that they’re talking about?
The induction weekend is the first step toward full membership in the Order. The entire experience is designed to teach significant values. All candidates for membership must complete the Induction weekend within two years of their election or nomination.
To complete your induction into the Order of the Arrow, prospective new members attend the Induction Weekend. It will be a time spent in service to the camp, working in silence and on scant rations. A time free of distraction to contemplate the value of service to others, it concludes with an induction ceremony and a feast of fellowship and food with other Arrowmen.
Once you have completed the Induction Weekend, you are a member of the Order of the Arrow well on your way through your journey, bestowed with the Ordeal Honor.
Ordeal Honor members are given an OA Handbook and some other materials. They should keep and refer to them as they progress on their journey to Brotherhood. After six months of membership, Ordeal Honor members are invited to participate in a Brotherhood Ceremony and complete their journey.
This registration begins with your Induction Weekend and includes the journey to Brotherhood and includes the weekend's recognition, meals and program.
OA is a non-secret organization. Supervision at OA events is done on the whole by the adults in attendance. The OA has a long history of this practice of letting the honor campers enjoy a larger degree of freedom at camp and it will continue to do so. Your Scout is expected to live up to the standards of being an honor camper at events without constant supervision.