Pacific Skyline Council - 2023 Oljato Summer Camp

Starting A Registration
How to start a new registration.
My Account - Part 1
My Account Basics
My Account - Part 2
Importing, Managing, and Using a Personal Roster
Parent Portal - Parents Guide
How parents can update registrations.
Access Reports
View reports for registration.

2023 Oljato Summer Camp

Event Details

Unit Registrations are now Open!

To reserve a spot for your unit click the green button corresponding to the session of camp your unit would like to attend,

• Reserve your spot with just a $300 deposit until February 10, 2023. Between February 11 and April 21, reserve your spot with a $150 deposit per person. 

Youth $775 / $795 beginning March 1
Adults $425 / $450 beginning March 1

To make your initial registration you do not need any information about the attendees. However, all information will be required no later than May 1, 2023. This includes, name, date of birth, gender, and BSA membership number. Additionally, you will need to provide Youth Protection date, cell phone number, and email address for all adults attending. Again, this information will all be required beginning May 1, 2023. NOTE: Merit Badge registration will open on April 3rd, 2023. In order to register any Scouts for merit badges, you will need to provide their information prior to that date and have their deposits fully paid according to the fee schedule.

An account is not necessary to make your reservation, however having an account will make maintaining your unit's registration much easier. Please click the "My Account" button in the upper right-hand corner of this screen and then click the green "Register" button to create your account. If you already have an account, be sure you are logged in by clicking the "My Account" button.

Each unit is required to have a minimum of 2 adults over the age of 21. Girl Troops must have at least one of these 2 leaders be female. All adults attending summer camp must be registered members of the BSA and have current Youth Protection Training throughout your stay at camp. Adults registered with California-based troops will need to provide AB-506 verification. 

When & Where
Session 1
Camp Oljato
Sunday 06-25-2023 1:00 PM PT to
Saturday 07-01-2023 10:00 AM PT Past
More Information

Session 2
Camp Oljato
Sunday 07-02-2023 1:00 PM PT to
Saturday 07-08-2023 10:00 AM PT Past
More Information

Session 3
Camp Oljato
Sunday 07-09-2023 1:00 PM PT to
Saturday 07-15-2023 10:00 AM PT Past
More Information

Session 4
Camp Oljato
Sunday 07-16-2023 1:00 PM PT to
Saturday 07-22-2023 10:00 AM PT Past
More Information

Session 5
Camp Oljato
Sunday 07-23-2023 1:00 PM PT to
Saturday 07-29-2023 10:00 AM PT Past
More Information

Session 6
Camp Oljato
Sunday 07-30-2023 1:00 PM PT to
Saturday 08-05-2023 10:00 AM PT Past
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