Order of the Arrow Ordeal
Event Details

Please join the Ohlone Lodge for our Spring and Fall Ordeals! Whether you're a newly elected candidate, a recently inducted Ordeal member, or a seasoned veteran, we're looking forward to a fun weekend in camp.
All Candidates must be in camp by 7 PM on Friday night to participate in their Ordeal.
When & Where
Spring Ordeal
Boulder Creek Scout Reservation
Friday 04-05-2024 6:00 PM PT to
Sunday 04-07-2024 11:00 AM PT Past
Fall Ordeal
Boulder Creek Scout Reservation
Friday 10-11-2024 6:00 PM PT to
Sunday 10-13-2024 11:00 AM PT Past
Boulder Creek Scout Reservation
Friday 04-05-2024 6:00 PM PT to
Sunday 04-07-2024 11:00 AM PT Past
Fall Ordeal
Boulder Creek Scout Reservation
Friday 10-11-2024 6:00 PM PT to
Sunday 10-13-2024 11:00 AM PT Past