Wood Badge 2024
Wood Badge:
Scouts deserve the BEST trained leaders: Wood Badge is the premier adult leadership development course for the Boy Scouts of America. Wood Badge is leadership training for all Scout Leaders who are involved in the programs of the Boy Scouts of America – Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Varsity Scouting, and Venturing, as well as council and district leaders, and professionals.
Wood Badge teaches contemporary leadership and team-building skills in a comfortable outdoor setting, where learners become members of their own Troop. Wood Badge’s effectiveness as an effective leadership development experience has been applauded by industry training professionals. Its positive influence on graduates’ individual unit-level program is unparalleled.
Wood Badge is, first and foremost, learning by doing: Participants in the course are formed first into a Pack, bridge over into a Troop, and finally are inducted into a Venturing Crew, just as Scouts move up through the Scouting program. The courses are open to all adult Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Varsity, and Venturing leaders and district and council volunteers that have completed Basic Training for their position and are capable of handling the hectic, physically demanding course schedule.
Why go to Wood Badge? The purpose of Wood Badge is to develop skilled leaders who can strengthen Scouting units in achieving the mission of the Boy Scouts of America.
The Mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
You go to Wood Badge to improve your leadership of small groups, and your understanding of how teams develop. The heart of Wood Badge is small group leadership. It is great fun too. This training is not only for Scouting. It also helps people at work, in church, with other groups, and in families.
Who Is Eligible To Attend Wood Badge? You may attend Wood Badge if you are registered as an adult in Boy Scouts of America, trained for your position, and medically able to handle the program.
Scouters who attended an earlier version of Wood Badge are welcome to come again, with the understanding that you will participate fully and work your ticket. Talk with the course director about the special requirements for you.
TENURE: You do not have to have been a Scout leader for any minimum number of years.
TRAINED: If you are eligible to wear a “Trained” patch, that meets this requirement. That means outdoor skills are required for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters, and Varsity coaches, but not for others. If you have questions about this, call the course director.
MEDICAL: The course includes some walking around the camp. The second half of the course involves camping out, but it is in the camp, not hiking into the wilderness. If you are medically unable to do it (or it would be unwise), talk to the course director. ALL participants must turn in the BSA “Medical and Health Record” form, which can be downloaded online or picked up in the Scout Office.
Camp Chawanakee
Friday 09-06-2024 7:00 AM PT to
Sunday 09-29-2024 5:00 PM PT