Virtual Cub Scout Day Camp 2020

Golden Gate Area Council Virtual Cub Scout Day
Late Fee is now in effect...Cost is now $140 per Scout
Our Virtual Day Camp will provide an opportunity for Scouting for everyone this summer. Scouts and Future Scouts are welcome to participate! This means families that wish to continue social distancing for any reason will have the same opportunity as Cub Scouts that are able to participate as a Den!
Each week Dens and Families will have the opportunity to complete Scouting activities and take part in special themed challenges of “Beneath the Sea.”
The program will be flexible enough to allow Dens and Families to do the activities when it is convenient for them. Each day’s worth of activities can be completed in a single day or stretched out to meet the need of dens and families throughout a given week.
Instructions for each activity will be given by our Day Camp Staff and their friends via videos online that will be easily accessible!
Registration will include a patch, t-shirt, and some themed items that will be used for activities. Families already have most items needed for the activities at home!
Virtual Day Camp Opening Campfire: Friday, July 10th via Zoom.
Activities will run until Saturday, August 1st when we will hold our Closing Campfire also via Zoom.
Activities include:
- EmergenSEA Preparedness
- Science Lesson from Chabot Space & Science Center
- Sensory Scavenger Hunt
- Water-Themed Games
- Build your own Underwater Viewer
- Nautical Flag Codes
- and so Much More!
Cost: Late Fee is now in cost is $140 per Scout
Registration is open now!
Friday 07-10-2020 7:00 PM PT to
Saturday 08-01-2020 8:00 PM PT Past