Powder Horn 2021

Sunday, August 8th to 13th 2021
Wente Scout Reservation, Willits CA
Powder Horn is coming!
The Powder Horn course is designed to introduce and expose Venturing and Scouts BSA adult leaders and Venturing participants (14-20) and Scouts BSA high adventure youths (14-17) to the activities and resources necessary to operate a successful outdoor/high adventure unit-level program. It is based on the 8 core and 18 electives found in the Venturing Ranger program.
The course is designed to help unit-level adult leaders and high adventure youth leaders to:
- Find the resources necessary for a high adventure program.
- Understand the safety and practical requirements for different high adventure disciplines.
- Get hands on experience with high adventure activities.
Learning Objectives
- Learn what resources are available to support a high adventure program.
- Learn where to find the resources.
- Learn how to use the resources.
- Learn how to safely do a high adventure program.
- Learn what is involved with different high adventure disciplines.
- Be a registered BSA adult or if a youth participant, must be registered in a Venturing or a Scouts BSA unit. Note: youth registered with only Scouts BSA units are not allowed to participate in hand guns or shooting rifles over .22 caliber. To shoot hand guns and high powered rifles, youth must be registered with a venturing crew.
- Adults must be trained for their registered position. Youth participants must have completed ILST, ILSC, or NYLT or equivalent training. All participants 18 and over must have a background consent form and be current with YPT at the time of the course.
- Submit completed and current BSA medical forms A, B & C Since this is a High Adventure course, you must meet the height/ weight restrictions under C form.
- Adults must take appropriate on-line training for activities including Hazardous Weather, Climb On Safely, Safety Afloat and Safe Swim Defense, valid at the time of the course.
Powder Horn Activities
The course will feature a variety of high adventure hands-on activities including climbing, wilderness survival, geocaching, orienteering, archery, pistol, high power rifle, fly fishing, sailing, equestrian, stand up paddling, kayaking, but wait, there’ll be much more.
Course Fees
Early registration Until May 24, 2021 $350
Standard registration May 25 through June 30, 2021 $400
Late Course Fee* from July 1 through July 15, 2021 $450
*If space available.
Powder Horn Venue
Powder Horn will be at Wente Scout Reservation, located about 6 miles east of Willits, CA. Wente has, real rock to climb, 20+ miles of single track, mountain biking trails, two mountain bike pump courses, an 80-acre warm water lake with a variety of boating activities and fishing. Wente also features a 16 position rifle range, archery and shot gun ranges.
Have questions? Contact Bobby Toda at bobbytoda@gmail.com, subject: Powder Horn 2021 or Joe Barton Staff Professional Advisor at joe.barton@scouting.org
Sunday 08-08-2021 1:00 PM PT to
Friday 08-13-2021 12:00 PM PT Past