GG District Cub Scout Day Camp 2022

Golden Gate District Day Camp 2022
June 21st - 24th at Golden Gate Park
Join us for our incredible STEM Cub Scout Day Camp from June 21st to 24th 2022 in Golden Gate Park!
This Cub Camp is open to all Boys and Girls (Cub Scouts) entering the 1st – 5th Grade. ***Please note that Scouts entering 1st grade must be accompanied full time by their parent/guardian. All youth are welcome to attend. If you are not currently a Scout, you can attend camp by filling out a membership application.
Early registration closes on May 15th, final registration closes on June 15th.
Cub Scouts will participate in various activities, including skills & crafts, soccer and fun games, and we'll visit the Cal Academy of Sciences on Thursday! Learn tons of facts about the natural world, our solar system and beyond...
Tuesday, June 21st 9:00 AM - Friday, June 24th, 2022 at 12:00 PM
Drop Off: 8:45 am-9:00am (8:30 AM Tuesday only for registration check-in)
Program: 9:00am-4:00pm (Tuesday - Thursday)
Pick Up: 4:00pm-4:15pm (Friday pick-up at 12:00 PM with optional family activity in the afternoon)
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday: Golden Gate Park, exact location TBA
Thursday: Drop off & Pick up at the Calfornia Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Dr., San Francisco, CA 94118
Registration includes all activity materials, snacks, Camp T-shirt, official day camp patch, and the entrance fee to the Cal Academy of Sciences. Lunch is not provided. Bring a bag lunch. Money can be provided to the Cub for Thursday lunch at the Museum.
Early Registration (Now - May 15) $275
Regular Registration (May 16 - June 15) $320
Day Camp is volunteer run. Adult and Youth (6-12th grade) volunteers are needed to make this a great camp for all!
Support needed includes: Den Chief (Escort and help Cub Scouts at various stations), Program Director (run an activity station, various opportunities available). Registration in the BSA is required. Register to volunteer by clicking the "Register" button on this page. Reach out to for questions or ideas for camp!