NYLT 2025

Two Sessions:
Two Weekends of Feb 15-17, 21-23, 2025
- Feb 15 - Sign in at 8:30 AM,
- Feb 17 - 4:00 PM depart
- Feb 21 - Sign in at 6:00 PM
- Feb 23 - 2:00 PM depart
- Maximum of 2 Scouts from the same troop allowed.
- GGAC participants have registration priority
- Out of Council Registration opens after Nov 15 for girls
Week of June 8 - 14, 2025
Sign in at 10:00 AM Sunday, June 8
Pick-up at 1:00 PM Saturday, June 14
No limit on the number of Scouts a unit can send but no more than 12 per unit without discussion with NYLT staff. All must be approved by the Unit Leader.
Additional important pre- and post- course meetings will be held separately for each course; check NYLT Website for session details.
Registration after February 4 for February Course and after May 28, 2025 for the June Courses will be waitlisted unless registration has been closed before then because the waitlist is full. Do note that the winter course filled up for boys before November 20 and for girls about February 1. The last regular registration for the June course was on May 20.
Note: Except for medical or family emergencies, a minimum of $50 will be charged on cancellation requests. See other normal charges under the GGAC cancellation policirs.
Questions? Email: ggac-nylt@comcast.net
The Scouts BSA NYLT course presents key leadership qualities and skills in a unique youth experience, applying modern leadership and team development theories in a contemporary scouting environment.
Participants camp, work, play and learn – living a month in the life of a model troop condensed into an intense week long or two weekend course. They experience the stages of team development, practice from a “toolbox” of leadership skills and learn that leadership requires vision, goals, and planning.
Participants learn how to be a leading influence in their own unit; discovering resources, methods, games and new skills to make unit meetings, treks and other activities more exciting and worthwhile. They also develop skills that help them emerge as leaders outside their units – at school and in the community.
Who may attend?
Qualified candidates will meet the following criteria…
- First Class Scouts who are at least 13 years of age or Venture Crew members.
- Currently serve in a youth leadership position, or possess the skills and ambition to undertake a role in leadership.
- Be approved by the unit leader.
- Have completed Troop/Crew Leadership Training in their unit.
- Are comfortable with long-term camping.
- Are endorsed by their unit leaders as exhibiting maturity, a positive attitude, focus and aspirations to serve through leadership.
- Commitment to attend the full course, all sessions.
- Note: To enable broad council participation and the best youth experience, the number of participants from each unit may be limited. Additional reservations and out-of-council registrations are subject to availability.
Note also: To conform with the Scouting BSA requirements of boys leading boy troops and girls leading girl troops, we have created two separate registration links based on gender for each session. The exact number of each gender that we can accept is set by the available number of youth staff of each gender.
Final note: We intentionally accept a few more scouts than we have roome for to account for drops before course in order to assure a full course. If, when you register, there are less than 6 spots, there is a chance that you will be wait-listed. We will keep you updated on your status as we approach the course. If you do not make it, we will either grant a full refund or move you to the other session.
Camp Herms
Saturday 02-15-2025 8:00 AM PT to
Sunday 02-23-2025 4:00 PM PT
Winter NYLT - For Girl Troops
Camp Herms
Saturday 02-15-2025 8:00 AM PT to
Sunday 02-23-2025 4:00 PM PT
Summer Course @ RLM - For Boy Troops
Rancho Los Mochos
Sunday 06-08-2025 10:00 AM PT to
Saturday 06-14-2025 12:00 PM PT
Summer Course @ RLM - for Girl Troops
Rancho Los Mochos
Sunday 06-08-2025 10:00 AM PT to
Saturday 06-14-2025 12:00 PM PT