Meridian Day Camp 2021

Meridian Day Camp 2021
Join us for our incredible "Down on the Farm" Day Camp! If your Scout wants to earn the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Patch, attending Day Camp is one of the requirements!
Camp is open to all Boys and Girls (Cub Scouts) entering the 1st – 5th Grade. If your child is not currently a Scout, he or she can attend camp by filling out a BSA Youth membership application and paying the prorated BSA registration fee ($50). At the end of camp, we would encourage the scout to join a local Cub Scout pack.
You'll discover and learn things from across the farm. Register until July 12, 2021 for an amazing fun filled week where Cub Scouts will play and participate in:
- Valuable Cub Scout Skills/Crafts
- Earn the Shooting Sports Award in
- Archery
- Shooting Sports
- Science/Culture Experience
- Swimming
- Wood projects
- Make new friends
- Meet Scout BSA youth from different troops
Note: Camp activities are subject to change based on current local COVID-19 and BSA requirements.
DATE: July 26-30, 2021
LOCATION: Little Hills Ranch, 18013 Bollinger Canyon Rd, San Ramon, CA.
- Mon:
- Drop off: 12:00 noon
- Camp Program: 12:20 - 4:00 p.m.
- Pick Up: 4:00 - 4:15 p.m.
- Tue-Thu:
- Drop Off: 8:30 - 8:45 a.m.
- Camp Program: 8:50 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Pick Up: 4:00 - 4:15 p.m.
- Fri:
- Drop Off: 8:30 - 8:45 a.m.
- Camp Program: 8:50 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
- Pick Up: 2:20 - 2:35 p.m.
Volunteers: 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday
Registration includes all activities and materials, camp T-shirt, and patch. REMEMBER, if you want to earn the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Patch, attending Day Camp is one of the requirements!
Cub Scouts
- A $50 Late Registration fee will apply starting July 5th.
- Regular Price $295
- Discounted Prices if the parent volunteers 2 or more days
- For parents that volunteer 5 days: $50
- For parents that volunteer 4 days: $100
- For parents that volunteer 3 days: $220
- For parents that volunteer 2 days: $255
- Note: Parents that don't honor their volunteer commitment will be charged the full price + a $25 service fee for the additional processing.
Non-Registered Cub Scouts must fill out a youth membership and pay an additional $50. Download the BSA Youth Application on the right side of the screen under attachments
Tags, Jr. Helpers, Adults
- Tags (2-5 YO): Price $25
- Jr. Helpers (Scouts BSA): Price $20
- Adults: Free
Registration Tips
Rank and Grade your scout WILL BE in August 2021
- Tiger 1st Grade, ***Please note that Tiger’s (Scouts in 1st grade in August) must be accompanied full time by their parent/guardian. This is a BSA requirement.
- Wolf: 2nd Grade
- Bear: 3rd Grade
- Webelos: 4th Grade
- Arrow of Light (AoL): 5th Grade
Cub Scouts
- All Cub forms are included in the Cub Scout Forms Packet, including where and when to turn in the forms.
- Your Pack Coordinator will collect your forms at least 2 weeks before camp. Campers will NOT be able to attend camp if the forms are not turned in.
Adult Staff Volunteers
- Day Camp is 100% volunteer run. Adult and Jr. Helper volunteers are needed to make this a great camp for all!
- Note: For registration, the term "Adult Staff ", "Adult Leader", and "Adult Volunteer" are the same.
- Adults may help as:
- Unit leaders (escort and help Cub Scouts at various stations)
- Activity station leaders (Teach Cubs how to complete projects and/or perform activities)
- Activity and other camp prep work before camp starts
- Set up (Mon. 7/26) and take down (Fri. 7/30)
- Adult Volunteer Requirements. Being an Adult Volunteer is a fun and rewarding experience. But there are some requirements to ensure the safety of all Day Camp Participants:
- BSA Registered - To be an adult volunteer you must be BSA registered. If you’re leader with your pack or troop you most likely are already registered. If you’re a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle of a cub scout and are not involved with the pack or troop you need to fill out an application. If you filled out an application to volunteer at camp last year you need to do it again this year (BSA rule, not ours) Down load the BSA Adult Member Application on the right side of the screen under attachments.
- Current Youth Protection Training (YPT) Certification for all Adults. If you are not currently a registered scout leader, you’ll need to send a copy of your YPT certificate with your registration. Don’t worry if you have one, training is online.
- Orientation – To help make this a safe, fun and memorable event for the Cubs, all volunteers must attend at least one orientation/Training meeting, dates and times to be announced.
- Read and sign acknowledgement of Unit Leaders Guide.
- Adult Volunteer Forms
- All Adult forms are included in the Adult Leader Forms Packet, including where and when to turn in the forms. The link to the form packet is on the right side of the screen under attachments.
Jr. Helper Volunteers
- For Jr. Helpers 6th-12th grade you must be a registered BSA youth. We especially need older scouts to help lead (14YO and older). If you’re registered as a Scout BSA Scout, Sea Scout, Venture Scout or Explorer Scout you will not need to fill out a youth application. All other youth must fill out a Youth Application.
- Training Session – To help make this a safe, fun and memorable event for the Cubs, all Jr. Helpers must attend at least one Training meeting, dates and times to be announced.
- Jr. Helper Forms
- All Jr. Helper forms are included in the Jr. Helper Forms Packet, including where and when to turn in the forms. The link to the form packet is on the right side of the screen under attachments. Jr. Helpers will NOT be able to attend camp if the forms are not turned in.
Tag Program (For Volunteer kids under 1st Grade)
- Siblings of our registered cub scouts are called Tag-a-longs or “Tags”. Tags may only attend camp on the days the parent is volunteering at camp. Tags must be potty trained.
- Tags Forms
- All Tags forms are included in the Tags Forms Packet, including where and when to turn in the forms. The link to the form packet is on the right side of the screen under attachments.
Do not mail or drop forms off at the council office. They get lost and you’ll have to complete them again.
The Council places the safety and wellbeing of our scouts, parents, campers and volunteers at the forefront. Day Camp will only go forward if it is safe and in compliance with local, state and Boy Scouts of America directives. The ability to proceed with camp depends on having a sufficient amount of volunteers to ensure the proper supervision of stable cohorts (groups) of campers as well as a sufficient minimum amount of participants.
Contact Info:
Paul Lannus, Day Camp Director,
Rand Mahoney, Meridian District Executive;