LEAD 2019

Leader Education and Discovery (L.E.A.D.)
Be the Best Scout Leader You Can Be
Join your Fellow Scouters on January 26, 2019 for a complete day of learning, fun and experience.
L.E.A.D. is Mount Diablo Silverado Councils' ultimate training event for Scout Leaders, Parents, Venturers and Senior Scouts.
- What is STEM and how does it work for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA and Venturers?
- Where can I go Camping, Hiking or Backpacking in Northern California?
- Where can I get in person training for my position as a Cub Scout, Scouts or Venture Leader?
- How can I run fun and exciting Pack Meetings?
- I want to be a Den Chief? L.E.A.D. has you covered.
L.E.A.D. offers over 130 classes across five colleges: Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Outdoors and Continuing Education. The day is broken up into 6 sessions. Some classes are 1 session, others, such as CPR certification, are 3 sessions, while even others, like Venturing Leader Training, last all day.
Through this process you will be able to view the catalog and select your classes . . .and don't forget to bring your friends. I look forward to seeing you at L.E.A.D. If you have any questions, please reach out to me. Learn, Explore and Enjoy.
Ray Chan 925.548.6179 or E-Mail
L.E.A.D 2019 Course Director