Eco-Marathon STEM Event

Free Scouting STEM Adventure!
Saturday, April 6th
Sonoma Raceway
Shell Eco-marathon Americas 2019
Make the Future California
Open to All Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA
Cub Scouts & Webelos—Learn the Physics of Fast. Perfect your Pinewood Derby building skills while completing the Science Everywhere Nova Award and earning the special Event patch.
Scouts BSA—Have an electrifying experience by earning the Electricity Merit Badge then take part in a mini-Eco-Marathon by building your very own alternative fuel model vehicle (Start Your Engines! Nova Award) and along the way, you’ll earn the special Event patch.
Scouts BSA Troops—Free camping on Friday night is available (see registration for details) or come just for the day on April 6th. (Register for either, but not both please.)
Free Parking for everyone on Saturday
Sonoma Raceway
Friday 04-05-2019 5:00 PM PT to
Saturday 04-06-2019 6:00 PM PT Past
Eco-Marathon Day Participant
Sonoma Raceway
Saturday 04-06-2019
8:00 AM PT to 5:00 PM PT Past